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Kupi karte oz vstopnice za Završna natjecateljska večer - Nove autorske skladbe, 02.07.2023. - 03.07.2023. v Prokurative Split, Split
Pridružite nam se na tradicionalnoj natjecateljskoj večeri novih autorskih pjesama, najiščekivanoj završnici Splitskog festivala! Uživat ćete u interpretacijama iskusnih i mladih izvođača koji će predstaviti 24 nove skladbe, uz pratnju festivalskog orkestra.
Uživajte u novim melodijama, predivnom ozračju Prokurativa i festivalskoj tradiciji koja duže od šezdeset godina stvara hitove za sve generacije. Ne propustite veliko finale Splitskog festivala 2023. i glasajte za svoje favorite. Čekamo Vas na Prokurativama. Splitski Festival 2023.
The final evening of the Split Festival is traditionally considered a highlight of the festival. We are excited to present a total of 24 songs that have been carefully selected by an expert jury to ensure that only the best music is performed.
This is your chance to enjoy new melodies and experience the wonderful atmosphere of Prokurative as you immerse yourself in the rich festival tradition that has been creating hits for all generations for over sixty years.
Don't miss out on the grand finale of the Split Festival 2023 and make sure to cast your vote for your favorites. We are looking forward to seeing you at Prokurative!