XVII. PMI Forum 2023: The Shape of Future with Project Management
dvorana Aula Magna, 1. kat, Zagreb
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Prijavi se za XVII. PMI Forum 2023: The Shape of Future with Project Management, 06.11.2023. - 08.11.2023. v dvorana Aula Magna, 1. kat, Zagreb
XVII. PMI Forum 2023
PMI Forum is a Project Management Conference organized by PMI Croatia Chapter, non-profit association of Project Professionals in Croatia, part of the Project Management Institute (pmi.org), world biggest project management association.
Future is here – shaped by projects and project professionals – so, what is around us and how it impact our way of working and living?
We will talk about project professionals Power Skills, about Project Economy and the frames of Artificial Inteligence, Green Project Management (GPM) and experience in project preparation and implementation of ESG guideliness and requirements in an IT company.
Join us at the 17th PMI Forum where we'll discuss skills and perspectives of projects and the future demands, and how will they affect one another. Experts from business and academic fields will share their perspectives, knowledge and experience to inspire The Shape of Future with Project Management!
Don't miss the biggest project management event in the region!
More details on https://www.pmi-croatia.hr/
PMI Croatia team
Kaj je Nadomestilo za izdajo vstopnice?
Nadomestilo za izdajo vstopnice pokriva en del stroškov, ki jih ima Entrio kot agencija za prodajo vstopnic za obdelavo transakcije, izdajo vstopnice in da ti omogoča, da uživaš v dogodku.
Entrio zaračunava nadomestilo za vsako kupljeno vstopnico, za vse načine plačila na internetu in na prodajnih mestih, ki med drugim pokriva stroške podpore Entrio kupcem, vzdrževanje strežniškega sistema, administracijo in druge stroške, povezane z izdajo vstopnice.
Višina nadomestila za izdajo vstopnice je včasih lahko odvisno od trgovskih dogovorov podjetja Entrio z organizatorjem dogodka.
Nadomestilo za izdajo vstopnice ni vračljivo.
Neveljavna promocijska koda
Prosimo poskusi ponovno čez 15 minut, v kolikor si prepričan, da je promocijska koda veljavna - možno je, da jo je sistem v tvojemu prejšnjem poskusu začasno rezerviral