Dogodek se je zaključil
To bi te morda zanimalo
O dogodku
Prijavi se za WebCamp Zagreb 2017, 06.10.2017. - 08.10.2017. v Plaza Event Centar, Zagreb
WebCamp Zagreb is a tech-oriented conference for developers and designers powered by the community.By buying tickets, you agree to follow our Code of Conduct
For more details and latest news visit our web site at: NOTE FROM ENTRIO:
In case you want to change data on your registration and transfer your ticket to somebody else, please send and an e-mail with ticket code (12 digit code that can be found on the ticket) and new data (First name, Last name, E-mail, Company, Twitter, Country, T-Shirt Size, Dietary preferences) - to [email protected]. Transfer fee is 32,00 HRK + VAT(25%).