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We Still Dance

We Still Dance

location-iconZrće beach, Novalja

O dogodku

Kupi karte oz vstopnice za We Still Dance, 19.08.2021. - 23.08.2021. v Zrće beach, Novalja

Dancing is a form of freedom. Dance is the hidden language of the soul. To dance means to be connected with yourself. Larger, more beautiful, more powerful. We are taking this privilege back and we want you to join us. After nearly 2 bizarre years we are so excited to finally come together again on the beautiful Island of planet Pag.

Dance with us from August 19th to 23rd at Zrće beach! Book your healing holiday and enjoy Croatia's beautiful nature, sun and sea with some of our beloved artists playing for you. 

Due to new COVID-19 regulations our festival is limited to just 1000 presale tickets.


Andrea Oliva
Davide Squillace
Enzo Siragusa
Luigi Madonna
Mariano Mateljan
Marin Biocic
Marko Nastic
Rich NxT
Roberto Capuano
Seth Troxler
Sonja Moonear




Entrance to We Still Dance event will be possible only with:

1.     EU COVID passport

2.     Negative PCR test (not older then 72h) or rapid antigen test (not older than 48h)

3.     The document that proves you had COVID-19 in the last 6 months


In order to ensure its guests a more pleasant stay in the destination and a safer return to their home countries, there are additional test points in city of Novalja on COVID-19: Novalja Health Center (address: Špital 1, Novalja), the parking lot in Slatinska street and the test point at the Zrće beach.

In addition to fixed points, an organization of mobile teams has been agreed with for the needs of testing larger groups of tourists by arriving at accommodation facilities. Accordingly, if the guest needs to access the test, it is simply necessary to log in first using the application choosing the type of testing that suits him best. 

After the registration and payment process, the professional medical staff takes a swab and performs the test in an accredited laboratory. The finding is sent by e-mail in a form recognized by the European Commission within the deadline set for each type of test.

QUICK ANTIGEN TEST- it’s issued within 15-20 minutes, not longer than an hour. (For this test t is obligatory to enter promo code: 100med) - Price: 100,00kn / person (14 eur / person)

PCR TEST (Teaching Institute for Public Health) - it's issued within 24 hours, not later than 48 hours) - Price: 550,00kn / person (74 eur / person)

FAST PCR TEST (Medico) - it's issued within 15-20 minutes, not longer than an hour. - Price: 650,00kn / person (87 eur / person)



Sonus Festival

Deli dogodek:

Kaj je Nadomestilo za izdajo vstopnice?

Nadomestilo za izdajo vstopnice pokriva en del stroškov, ki jih ima Entrio kot agencija za prodajo vstopnic za obdelavo transakcije, izdajo vstopnice in da ti omogoča, da uživaš v dogodku.

Entrio zaračunava nadomestilo za vsako kupljeno vstopnico, za vse načine plačila na internetu in na prodajnih mestih, ki med drugim pokriva stroške podpore Entrio kupcem, vzdrževanje strežniškega sistema, administracijo in druge stroške, povezane z izdajo vstopnice.

Višina nadomestila za izdajo vstopnice je včasih lahko odvisno od trgovskih dogovorov podjetja Entrio z organizatorjem dogodka.

Nadomestilo za izdajo vstopnice ni vračljivo.

Neveljavna promocijska koda

Prosimo poskusi ponovno čez 15 minut, v kolikor si prepričan, da je promocijska koda veljavna - možno je, da jo je sistem v tvojemu prejšnjem poskusu začasno rezerviral

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