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location-iconPeti kupe, Zagreb

O dogodku

Kupi karte oz vstopnice za TRINITY “LONDON”, 24.11.2023. - 25.11.2023. v Peti kupe, Zagreb

TRINITY Entertainment



Friday, 24.11.2023 , 23:00h - 05:00h


Ladies and gentlemen, it’s time for a good trap party!

We are once back in our new home which is a well known venue in Zagreb called “Peti Kupe”.

As our last event here was absolutely lit as f***, we gotta keep the fire burning!

This time we are making an emphasis on those UK drill/grime/trap artist that are hot right now, such as Central Cee, Dave, Aitch, Stormzy, Aj Tracey, Giggs, Russ Millions, Skepta, Headie One, Fredo, Arrdee etc.


1. The Music;

We know that you know, that the music is going to be fire!

On our last event we did not have our regular dj lineup, but this time, THE BOYS ARE BACK!


XO + guests TBA


2. The Drip Corner

About the DRIP CORNER;

Trust us, we know how frustrating it is, to get a really good outfit for a party and not get a good picture to post it on the gram.
Drip corner is a corner in the venue where you will find our professional photographers ready to give you the best picture you have ever posted on your Instagram or other social media.

With a block wall branded in TRINITY (and our sponsors), good lighting and a red carpet. Trust us, your photos will be absolute FIRE.

This time, we want to see you in some real UK drip inspired by all of those UK drill & grime artists.

Our expectations are high so you better get those outfits ready!


3. The THEME

You know we love a good themed party, and we know you absolutely love them. This time we are going to theme out Peti Kupe with all kinds of UK based propositions, from artists, to some landmarks, you know how this goes!

4. Tables

For this event we have only one type of a table.


REGULAR STANDING TABLE - Standing table on the dancefloor



Tickets are available online/ at entrio outlets. (If you have a problem feel free to contact us directly on our socials)
The number of tickets is limited due to safety measures and the capacity of the venue.
The ticket price WILL GO UP as the event gets closer or if the standing bracket sells out, GET YOUR TICKETS ON TIME!

The event starts at 23:00 and the entrance is opened until 02:00. (Guest list and reservations are valid until 00:00)
After that it will not be possible to enter the event. The tickets are limited to 600 people due to venue capacity.

To keep in touch, to see photos of our events and such, check out our page!

Info & table reservations directly in our DM or contact us at 099 625 1088.

Deli dogodek:

Kaj je Nadomestilo za izdajo vstopnice?

Nadomestilo za izdajo vstopnice pokriva en del stroškov, ki jih ima Entrio kot agencija za prodajo vstopnic za obdelavo transakcije, izdajo vstopnice in da ti omogoča, da uživaš v dogodku.

Entrio zaračunava nadomestilo za vsako kupljeno vstopnico, za vse načine plačila na internetu in na prodajnih mestih, ki med drugim pokriva stroške podpore Entrio kupcem, vzdrževanje strežniškega sistema, administracijo in druge stroške, povezane z izdajo vstopnice.

Višina nadomestila za izdajo vstopnice je včasih lahko odvisno od trgovskih dogovorov podjetja Entrio z organizatorjem dogodka.

Nadomestilo za izdajo vstopnice ni vračljivo.

Neveljavna promocijska koda

Prosimo poskusi ponovno čez 15 minut, v kolikor si prepričan, da je promocijska koda veljavna - možno je, da jo je sistem v tvojemu prejšnjem poskusu začasno rezerviral

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