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THE DIGITAL FUTURE, Cities facing the reality

THE DIGITAL FUTURE, Cities facing the reality

location-iconHotel International, Zagreb

O dogodku

Prijavi se za THE DIGITAL FUTURE, Cities facing the reality , 12.06.2017. - 14.06.2017. v Hotel International, Zagreb

The City of Zagreb and Major Cities of Europe are pleased to announce annual Conference The Digital Future - Cities Facing the Reality, which will take place in Zagreb from June 12th to 14th 2017

This year’s programme includes various topics of interest for City Managers, Policy Makers and CIOs who lead innovation in their cities such as: eGovernment – Putting Lipstick on a Pig?; The Great Vanishing Act – Public Administration and the Impact ofEmerging Technology; Boosting the Digital Economy – The Role of Local Public Services; Deep Dive World Cafes; Local Democracy in a Social Media World; City Resilience; Embedding and Facilitating Innovation in Public Services.

The participants to this event are policy makers and managers of Local Government who are not only focused on defining the strategies for innovation and driven by technology, but are also responsible for their implementation and success. Furthermore, at this annual event the work of distinguished speakers from European cities, the worldwide experts from both ICT providers and the academia is going to be presented and leading-edge developments enabled by new technologies, their implications, opportunities and challenges are going tobe explored. The independent and non-commercial environment of this pan-European event represents an unique opportunity for participants toengage together with their peers in innovation in the local public service delivery. Due to the friendly and open atmosphere, the Major Cities of Europe conference will offer a good opportunity for the participants to engage in informal discussions during the conference breaks, lunches and dinners, in order to share ideas, initiatives, experiences and learn from each other. Moreover, all delegates will benefit from both the Q&As and the roundtables.

The official language of the conference is English.

Conference programe starts on Monday, 12.6.2017 at 13:00
*Registration from 9:00 to 13:00

Official website:

Deli dogodek:

Kaj je Nadomestilo za izdajo vstopnice?

Nadomestilo za izdajo vstopnice pokriva en del stroškov, ki jih ima Entrio kot agencija za prodajo vstopnic za obdelavo transakcije, izdajo vstopnice in da ti omogoča, da uživaš v dogodku.

Entrio zaračunava nadomestilo za vsako kupljeno vstopnico, za vse načine plačila na internetu in na prodajnih mestih, ki med drugim pokriva stroške podpore Entrio kupcem, vzdrževanje strežniškega sistema, administracijo in druge stroške, povezane z izdajo vstopnice.

Višina nadomestila za izdajo vstopnice je včasih lahko odvisno od trgovskih dogovorov podjetja Entrio z organizatorjem dogodka.

Nadomestilo za izdajo vstopnice ni vračljivo.

Neveljavna promocijska koda

Prosimo poskusi ponovno čez 15 minut, v kolikor si prepričan, da je promocijska koda veljavna - možno je, da jo je sistem v tvojemu prejšnjem poskusu začasno rezerviral

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