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Kupi karte oz vstopnice za THE BALKAN BRAIN: Stand-Up Comedy in English in Zagreb, 27.09.2024. v Grey caffe bar, Zagreb
Living in Zagreb... or just visiting? Come over for the longest standing attraction in English offered by a local stand-up comedy production!
Croatia's most international stand-up comedian, Pedja Bajović - offers live comedy show titled THE BALKAN BRAIN at the venue of Grey Bar (Gundulićeva 34, city center) starting at 20:30h (Door Open 20:00h). Seating will be limited to 40 people, so make sure to get your online tickets here - on time! Admission at the door (cash or card) will be VAT 25% more expensive.
ABOUT THE SHOW: You thought you already knew enough about the Balkans; or simply never bothered to learn anything about it? You’re not to blame as the images you had encountered were mostly those of war atrocities, too many historical references, ongoing crime with much corruption and not so much teeth. Yes, there is also beautiful nature there, delicious cuisine and the upbeat music… However, is there anything funny at all about it? Well, here’s a chance for you to find out! Delivered in a hour-long show by one of their natives, in a manner best described by its slogan: Loud Mouth. Clean Heart. Balkan Brain!
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