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Reboot InfoGamer 2024 - powered by A1

Reboot InfoGamer 2024 - powered by A1

location-iconZagrebački velesajam, Zagreb

Reboot InfoGamer 2024 - powered by A1

Vstopnice / storitve / izdelki



One day / single entry ticket - EARLY DISCOUNT


Organizator je za tebe plačal Pristojbino za izdajo vstopnic

Ticket that enables you SINGLE ENTRY* to Reboot InfoGamer 2024 powered by A1, and only at one of the days of the show.

When buying your ticket online you do not need to decide on the date right away, you can choose and use it for any of the event days.

EARLY DISCOUNT tickets available until October 20th / 25% price increase afterwards

* you can enter the show once, with no possible return once you exit

10.00 EUR

Ticket that enables you SINGLE ENTRY* to Reboot InfoGamer 2024 powered by A1, and only at one of the days of the show.

When buying your ticket online you do not need to decide on the date right away, you can choose and use it for any of the event days.

EARLY DISCOUNT tickets available until October 20th / 25% price increase afterwards

* you can enter the show once, with no possible return once you exit

Four days / unlimited entry ticket - EARLY DISCOUNT


Organizator je za tebe plačal Pristojbino za izdajo vstopnic

Ticket that enables you UNLIMITED ENTRY* to Reboot InfoGamer 2024 powered by A1 during all four days of the show.

EARLY DISCOUNT tickets available until October 20th / 25% price increase afterwards

* All four-day and VIP ticket holders will receive a control wristband before entering the event that should not be taken off. By taking off the wristband your ticket becomes invalid.
* Using the wristband you will be able to enter and exit the show unlimited amount of times

20.00 EUR

Ticket that enables you UNLIMITED ENTRY* to Reboot InfoGamer 2024 powered by A1 during all four days of the show.

EARLY DISCOUNT tickets available until October 20th / 25% price increase afterwards

* All four-day and VIP ticket holders will receive a control wristband before entering the event that should not be taken off. By taking off the wristband your ticket becomes invalid.
* Using the wristband you will be able to enter and exit the show unlimited amount of times

VIP pass / unlimited entry ticket + VIP gift package - EARLY DISCOUNT


Organizator je za tebe plačal Pristojbino za izdajo vstopnic

Super limited ticket that enables you VIP access + UNLIMITED ENTRY during ALL FOUR DAYS of the show, and gets you a special REBOOT VIP gift loot bag with:

- VIP badge / accreditation + VIP lanyard
- access to special VIP chill lounge
- Gift loot bag to include at least 3x different exclusive gaming t-shirts

* Your VIP gift loot bag can be picked up during any of the event days EARLY DISCOUNT tickets available until October 20th / 25% price increase afterwards

75.00 EUR

Super limited ticket that enables you VIP access + UNLIMITED ENTRY during ALL FOUR DAYS of the show, and gets you a special REBOOT VIP gift loot bag with:

- VIP badge / accreditation + VIP lanyard
- access to special VIP chill lounge
- Gift loot bag to include at least 3x different exclusive gaming t-shirts

* Your VIP gift loot bag can be picked up during any of the event days EARLY DISCOUNT tickets available until October 20th / 25% price increase afterwards


0.00 EUR

x Nadomestilo :

0.00 EUR


0.00 EUR

{{ promoCodeMessage }}

Opomba: v kolikor je promocijska koda za popust veljavna, bo popust viden v naslednjem koraku

O dogodku

Kupi karte oz vstopnice za Reboot InfoGamer 2024 - powered by A1, 14.11.2024. - 17.11.2024. v Zagrebački velesajam, Zagreb

Jedan od najvećih gaming sajmova Europe ponovno raste – Reboot InfoGamer 2024 powered by A1.

Kroz četiri dana trajanja, ovaj put još daleko veći, u četiri hale Zagrebačkog Velesajma, na 10.000 m2 izlagačkog prostora, očekuje vas ultimativni gaming sadržaj koji je Reboot kreirao u suradnji s brojnim sponzorima, dugogodišnjim partnerima i izlagačima.

* Za školske posjete osiguran je popust od 25% (na grupnu kupnju ulaznica) i online i na fizičkim blagajnama ispred ulaza na sajam

** Vlasnici četverodnevne i VIP ulaznice prije ulaska na sajam dobit će sajamsku narukvicu koja se ne smije uklanjati te im omogućuje neograničen broj ulazaka i izlazaka. Skidanjem narukvice ulaznica postaje nevažeća.

*** EARLY DISCOUNT cijena ulaznice za Reboot InfoGamer 2024 powered by A1 povoljnija je putem online ticketing sustava Entrio do 18.10, dok će od tog datuma nadalje, te na fizičkim blagajnama prije ulaza na event cijena biti veća.


One of the biggest video game conventions in Europe is set to grown and impress again - Reboot InfoGamer 2024 powered by A1.

During four days of worldwide wide famous games show Reboot InfoGamer 2024 powered by A1 will feature 10.000m2 of expo space, now spread around 4 halls of Zagreb Fairgrounds, and feature content from a large list of top tier games industry and gaming parners of ours from all around the world.

* For school visits, a discount of 25% is provided (for group purchase of tickets) both online and at physical ticket offices in front of the entrance to the fair

** All four-day and VIP ticket holders will receive a control wristband before entering the event that should not be taken off. By taking off the wristband your ticket becomes invalid.

*** EARLY DISCOUNT ticket price for Reboot InfoGamer 2024 powered by A1 is cheaper through the Entrio online ticketing system until 18th of October, price will be higher afterwards for any online purchases as well as at the physical ticket booths at event entry dates.

Deli dogodek:

Kaj je Nadomestilo za izdajo vstopnice?

Nadomestilo za izdajo vstopnice pokriva en del stroškov, ki jih ima Entrio kot agencija za prodajo vstopnic za obdelavo transakcije, izdajo vstopnice in da ti omogoča, da uživaš v dogodku.

Entrio zaračunava nadomestilo za vsako kupljeno vstopnico, za vse načine plačila na internetu in na prodajnih mestih, ki med drugim pokriva stroške podpore Entrio kupcem, vzdrževanje strežniškega sistema, administracijo in druge stroške, povezane z izdajo vstopnice.

Višina nadomestila za izdajo vstopnice je včasih lahko odvisno od trgovskih dogovorov podjetja Entrio z organizatorjem dogodka.

Nadomestilo za izdajo vstopnice ni vračljivo.

Neveljavna promocijska koda

Prosimo poskusi ponovno čez 15 minut, v kolikor si prepričan, da je promocijska koda veljavna - možno je, da jo je sistem v tvojemu prejšnjem poskusu začasno rezerviral

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  • Nujni piškotki omogočajo osnovne funkcije. Brez teh piškotkov spletna stran ne more pravilno delovati, in jih lahko onemogočiš s spreminjanjem nastavitev v svojem browseru.

  • Analitični piškotki nam pomagajo izboljšati spletno stran z zbiranjem in analizo podatkov o njeni uporabi.

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