O dogodku
Prijavi se za Raise the Bar Conference 2025., 28.03.2025. v Lauba, Zagreb
The 9th edition of the Raise the Bar Conference which will take place from March 26 to March 28 il the vibrant Lauba- House for People and Art in Zagreb (Prilaz baruna Filipovića 23A) brings something special – three days filled with excitement, knowledge-sharing and raising the bar of the hospitality in Adria.
On Wednesday, March 26 we start the program with something new – the Raise the Bar Barista Competition! This year we are searching for the top regional barista who will go through a series of challenges, trying to win the main prize and a spot as our regional representative in the Caffe Vergnano World Cup!
The second day, March 27, offers a thrilling showdown of the best regional bartenders– the Raise the Bar Bartender Competition. Witness regional bartending talents go head-to-head in a series of challenges, culminating in a heart-pounding super final on March 28.
On the main event on Friday, March 28 get ready for an insightful look into the latest trends in hospitality. This year’s speakers are the most relevant global and local hospitality representatives – Iain McPherson, receiver of the Bartenders bartender award in 2024, owner of Panda&Sons an innovation master; Danil Nevsky, the second most influential person in hospitality, INDIE Bartender and David Žefran, a two-Michelin star chef of the Slovenian Milka restaurant, focused on seasonality and innovation.
Entrance for the first two days is free o charge for all interested. For those who want to learn more, dive deeper into the hospitality trends, hear our amazing key-speakers and witness the thrilling Raise the Bar Bartender Competition super final – tickets are available via Entrio for 18€.
All proceeds from ticket sales will be directed to the Raise the Bar Foundation for scholarships for talented chefs and pastry chefs through our Raise the Bar Scholarship program.
Mark your calendars and join us for an unforgettable experience at the Raise the Bar Conference 2025!
Deveto izdanje konferencije Raise the Bar, koje će de održati od 26. do 28. ožujka 2025. u Laubi – kući za ljude i umjetnost (Prilaz baruna Filipovića 23A, Zagreb) ove godine donosi nešto posebno – tri dana ispunjena uzbuđenjem, razmjenom znanja i podizanjem ljestvice ugostiteljstva u Adriji.
U srijedu, 26. ožujka, krećemo u program s nečim novim – Raise the Bar natjecanjem za bariste! Ove godine tražimo najboljeg regionalnog baristu koji će proći kroz niz izazova u svom nastojanju da osvoji glavnu nagradu i mjesto našeg regionalnog predstavnika (ili naše regionalne predstavnice!) na Caffe Vergnano World Cup-u!
Drugi dan, 27. ožujka, rezerviran je za uzbudljivi okršaj najboljih regionalnih barmena – Raise the Bar natjecanje za barmene! Regionalni barmenski talenti će odmjeriti snage u nizu različitih izazova, a sve će kulminirati uzbudljivim super finalu 28. ožujka.
Na glavnom događaju u petak, 28. ožujka pripremite se doznati najnovije trendove u ugostiteljstvu. Ovogodišnji govornici su najrelevantniji globalni i lokalni predstavnici ugostiteljskog sektora – barmeni Iain McPherson, dobitnik Bartenders bartender nagrade 2024., vlasnik Panda&Sons majstor inovacije i Danil Nevsky, druga najutjecajnija osoba u ugostiteljstvu, INDIE Bartender te chef David Žefran, glavni chef slovenskog restorana Milka s dvije Michelinove zvjezdice fokusiran na sezonalnost i inovativnost.
Ulaz prva dva dana besplatan je za sve zainteresirane. Za one koji žele naučiti više, uroniti dublje u trendove u ugostiteljstvu, čuti naše nevjerojatne glavne govornike i svjedočiti uzbudljivom super finalu Raise the Bar natjecanja za barmene - ulaznice su dostupne putem sustava Entrio po cijeni od 18 €.
Day 1: Wednesday, March 26, 2025
9:00 AM - 4:30 PM
Raise the Bar Barista Competition
Free Entrance
Day 2: Thursday, March 27, 2025
10:00 AM – 7:30 PM
Raise the Bar Bartender Competition - part 1
Free Entrance
Day 3: Friday, March 28, 2025
10:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Entrance: 18 €
Raise the Bar Conference
· Opening Speeches
· Raise the Bar Academy Ceremony
· Presentations by Keynote Speakers:
o Iain McPherson, Panda&Sons – brought to you by Schweppes
o Danil Nevsky, INDIE Bartender – brought to you by Three Cents
o David Žefran, head chef at restaurant Millka
· Hospitality Excellence Challenge – Raise the Bar Bartender Competition - FINALS
4:00 PM - 7:30 PM
Official AfterDrinks by Schweppes
Za više informacija kliknite na link u nastavku:
For more information, click on the link below:
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Neveljavna promocijska koda
Prosimo poskusi ponovno čez 15 minut, v kolikor si prepričan, da je promocijska koda veljavna - možno je, da jo je sistem v tvojemu prejšnjem poskusu začasno rezerviral