![Raise the Bar Conference 2024.](https://cdn.entr.io/images/events/campaigns/organizer_uploads/176/17675_marketing_banner_1522x682_1708957844.png?v=1720507531)
![Raise the Bar Conference 2024.](https://cdn.entr.io/images/events/176/17675_poster_300x400.png?v=1720507531)
![Raise the Bar Conference 2024.](https://cdn.entr.io/images/events/campaigns/organizer_uploads/176/17675_marketing_banner_1522x682_1708957844.png?v=1720507531)
Dogodek se je zaključil
O dogodku
Prijavi se za Raise the Bar Conference 2024., 19.03.2024. - 20.03.2024. v Lauba, Zagreb
The 8th edition of Raise the Bar conference is set to dazzle on March 19th and 20th, 2024, at the vibrant Lauba - House for People and Art in Zagreb (Prilaz baruna Filipovića 23A).
Join us for two days packed with excitement as we continue our tradition of knowledge-sharing and networking, all aimed at elevating the standards of gastronomy and hospitality.
On March 19th, we kickstart with a thrilling showdown – the Raise the Bar Competition. Witness regional bartending talents go head-to-head in a series of challenges, culminating in a heart-pounding super final on March 20th.
On March 20th, get ready for an insightful look into the latest trends in hospitality. Our speakers, from top bars and restaurants in Vienna, London, and Copenhagen, will discuss topics such as the influence of sustainability on business growth and methods for achieving recognition on prestigious industry lists like MICHELIN and The World's 50 Best Bars.
Admission to the first day of the conference is on the house, and for those eager to dive deeper into expert insights and witness the thrilling Raise the Bar Competition super final, tickets are available via the Entrio system. Proceeds from ticket sales will support scholarships for talented chefs and pastry chefs through the Raise the Bar Scholarship program, ensuring the next generation of culinary talent receives the support they need to flourish.
Mark your calendars and join us for an unforgettable experience at Raise the Bar 2024!
Osma konferencija Raise the Bar održat će se 19. i 20. ožujka 2024. godine u Laubi – kući za ljude i umjetnost (Prilaz baruna Filipovića 23A, Zagreb). Konferencija će i ove godine nastaviti dugogodišnju tradiciju razmjene znanja i umrežavanja s ciljem podizanja kvalitete gastronomije i ugostiteljstva.
U sklopu konferencije, u utorak 19. ožujka održat će se Raise the Bar Competition, regionalno natjecanje barmena koji će svoje vještine pokazati u nizu izazova. Dva najbolja natjecatelja susrest će se u superfinalu, 20. ožujka.
Uz podršku predavača, koji su svjetski renome zaslužili u barovima i restoranima u Beču, Londonu i Kopenhagenu, osma će konferencija u srijedu 20. ožujka istražiti najnovije trendove u ugostiteljstvu, kako održivost može doprinijeti razvoju poslovanja ugostitelja te kako dospjeti na najuglednije liste u industriji kao što su MICHELIN i The World's 50 Best Bars.
Ulaz na prvi dan konferencije je besplatan, dok svi zainteresirani za predavanja stručnjaka i superfinale Raise the Bar Competitona ulaznice mogu kupiti putem sustava Entrio. Sredstva od prodaje namijenjena su stipendiranju perspektivnih kuhara i slastičara u sklopu Stipendije Raise the Bar.
Day 1: Tuesday, March 19, 2024
12:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Raise the Bar Competition - Part 1
Free Entrance
Day 2: Wednesday, March 20, 2024
10:00 AM – 3:30 PM
· Opening Speeches
· Raise the Bar Academy Ceremony
· Presentations by Keynote Speakers:
o Alex Kratena, Tayer + Elementary London - "Move Fast Get S**t Done"
o Paul Ivić, Tian Vienna - “From the soil to the kitchen to the soul - how acting today can make a difference tomorrow”
o Valerio Serino & Lucia De Luca, Terra Copenhagen - "Tèrra - natural imperfection"
· Hospitality Excellence Challenge – Raise the Bar Competition - FINALS
· Lounge Sessions
3:30 PM - 8:00 PM
Cocktail Hour by Raise the Bar Academy“
Za više informacija kliknite na link u nastavku:
For more information, click on the link below:
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