O dogodku
Kupi karte oz vstopnice za PRESS PLAY @CRKVA CLUB w/KALI & MAKARUN, 22.02.2025. - 23.02.2025. v Klub Crkva, Rijeka
English description below
Naše iduće klubsko izdanje ugošćuje zagrebačku dj-icu Kali i suosnivača kolektiva i izdavačke kuće ''Kubik'' - Makaruna.
Date: Saturday, March 3rd
Time: 22:00 - 05:00
Venue: Club Crkva, Rijeka
Tickets: Early Bird Tickets on sale now!
’Jedno od najzanimljivijih imena na sceni posljednje vrijeme’’
Svoju karijeru gradi od 2016. godine te od tada redovito odrađuje nastupe po renomiranim hrvatskim klubovima i festivalima. Prošlogodišnji highlight je njen closing set sa Sonus Festivala s kojim je rasplesala i oduševila mnoge. Njezin spektar glazbenih žanrova prilagođen je vrsti događaja na kojem svira, a u njenim setovima može se čuti sve od klasičnih zvukova house-a, deep-a, minimala do brzih i mračnih zvukova dub techna, ghetto techna, acid techna i mnogih drugih.
Uz Kali i Makaruna pridružit će se Bruns Lay i Recep.
"One of the most interesting names on the scene recently"
She has been building her career since 2016, and since then she has been regularly performing at renowned Croatian clubs and festivals. Last year's highlight was her closing set from the Sonus Festival, with which she danced and delighted many. Her spectrum of musical genres is adapted to the type of event she plays at, and in her sets you can hear everything from the classic sounds of house, deep, minimal to the fast and dark sounds of dub techno, ghetto techno, acid techno and many others.
Kali and Makarun be joined by Bruns Lay and Recep.