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Kupi karte oz vstopnice za Norman Jay MBE, 13.09.2018. v The Garden Brewery, Zagreb
Norman Jay, nesumnjivo jedan od najcjenjenijih i napopularnijih DJ-eva na svijetu, po prvi puta dolazi u The Garden Brewery u četvrtak 13. rujna.
Suosnivač legendarnog Good Times Sound Systema i londonske radijske stanice KISS FM, Jay je njegovao ‘Rare Groove’ scenu i pomicao granice sverastuće plesne kulture u UK-u. Britanska kraljica nagradila ga je titulom MBE (Member of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire) za zasluge u DJ-ingu i glazbi, 2017. objavio je ‘Mister Good Times’ kompilaciju koja je uhvatila iskreni duh Good Times projekta, a trenutno svoje legendarne Good Times večeri predstavlja na odabranim lokacijama u UK-u, pretvarajući generacije u glazbene zaljubljenike, predstavljajući nove zvukove i nikada ne zaboravlja svoje korijene čime jamči ništa drugo nego ‘Good Times’. Za pultom će mu se pridružiti Nick & Pepi, Adriatic coasting duo.
Ovo je i službeni after-party otvorenja Zagreb Burger Festivala koji će od 13.-23. rujna preuzeti Strossmayerov trg, zajedno s The Garden Brewery kao službenim pivom.
Ulaznice / Tickets:
50 kn - do 19.8.
70 kn - do 13.9.
90 kn - 13.9. na ulazu / doors
Norman Jay, unquestionably one of the most respected and popular DJs in the world today, is coming to The Garden Brewery on Thursday, September 13th for the first time.
Co-founder of the legendary Good Times Sound System and London dance music station KISS FM, Jay fostered the ‘Rare Groove’ scene pushing the boundaries of the UK’s emerging club culture. Awarded an MBE for services to deejaying and music, in 2017 he released ‘Mister Good Times’ capturing the true spirit of Good Times, and is currently taking his legendary Good Times party to selected venues around the UK, continuing to convert generations of clubbers to the cause, championing new sounds, yet never forgetting his musical roots, thus guaranteeing nothing but ‘Good Times’. Joining him will be Nick & Pepi from Adriatic Coasting.
This event is an official after-party of the Zagreb Burger Festival opening that will once again take over Strossmayer Square September 13 - 23, along with The Garden Brewery craft as the official beer.