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MBA Croatia: Importance of organizational culture in managing change, Maria Anargyrou-Nikolic

MBA Croatia: Importance of organizational culture in managing change, Maria Anargyrou-Nikolic

location-iconGreen Gold Centar - Kongresni centar FORUM, Zagreb

O dogodku

Prijavi se za MBA Croatia: Importance of organizational culture in managing change, Maria Anargyrou-Nikolic, 16.02.2016. v Green Gold Centar - Kongresni centar FORUM, Zagreb


To be successful and have sustainable business, companies must constantly adapt and respond to the everyday changing and competitive market environment. While creating effective strategy and operating models is very important in change management, organizational culture is perhaps one of the most challenging, but also the crucial ingredient in the change process.


Coca-Cola HBC Croatia started its organizational structure change in 2012 by merging into new business unit with Coca-Cola HBC B-H Sarajevo. The transformation continued in late 2014 with Coca-Cola HBC Slovenia joining the newly established business unit. This significant change was challenging not only because of integration of three different organizations, functions and supply chains, but also because of joining quite different teams with diverse cultures and management habits. In this on-going change process, organizational culture is the most critical component. It enables the establishment of unique, strengthened and high-performing Adria Business Unit, which sustains market leadership and maintains community trust while cultivating future-oriented organizational culture based on Coca-Cola Hellenic values.


Maria Anargyrou-Nikolic is currently holding the position of General Manager of Coca-Cola HBC Croatia, in which capacity she is responsible for Slovenia, Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina. Prior to assuming this role, from 2013, she was the Commercial Manager for Coca-Cola HBC Serbia and Montenegro. Before joining Coca-Cola HBC Serbia and Montenegro team in 2010, she held the position of Regional Marketing Manager at Nestle Ice Cream, Greece and Balkans. Her experience also includes marketing management roles in a number of Greek and multinational companies, where she gained knowledge and expertise from various industries, and developed her leadership skills. In 2013, she was presented with the Business Lady of the Year award for marketing innovations, granted by the Serbian Economic journalists’ club. She is engaged in the community, and dedicated to implementation of corporate social responsibility projects. Maria Anargyrou-Nikolic holds a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration from the Greek University of Economics in Piraeus and an MBA degree from Athens Laboratory of Business Administration. She values excellence, continuous learning and improvement, and is strongly committed to mentoring young talents.

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