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HTTPS:  IGZ invites Reiss [vbx Amsterdam]

HTTPS: IGZ invites Reiss [vbx Amsterdam]

location-iconAQUARIUS Klub, Zagreb

O dogodku

Kupi karte oz vstopnice za HTTPS: IGZ invites Reiss [vbx Amsterdam], 10.02.2023. - 11.02.2023. v AQUARIUS Klub, Zagreb

Here we go! This is the one we’ve been looking forward to for a while now. On friday, 10.02.2023., we are back at "Grande" Aquarius Club Zagreb for a very special collaboration with Meanwhile Agency, where our resident IGZ invites Reiss to bring sweet underground sounds yet unheard in Zagreb. Reiss arrives from Amsterdam’s leading underground music collective - VBX and in Croatia VBX has performed only and exclusively on Dimensions Festival Croatia.
REISS [vbx] Amsterdam,NL
IGZ [Https, synesthesia.]
◣ Reiss [vbx] Netherlands
Reiss (NL) has been a pivotal figure of the Amsterdam house and techno underground for quite some time. His extensive record collection, combined with a refined sense of (club)atmosphere, enables him to create cohesion and unison on the dance floor. His sound can be described as a delicate flow of rhythms and soundscapes spiced up with occasional and surprising idiosyncrasies. Reiss is a close affiliate of the Amsterdam based VBX crew. Besides regular DJ appearances at their events, he has also released on the VBX label in collaboration with brother in beats Ferro, under their Spokenn moniker. Reiss is a seen-it-all underground DJ and showmen, and that, you will see in person. Trust us.
◣Teskera [Kubik]
We are proud to finally host Toni Teskera in our lineup. He is one of the most successful silent producers of house/minimal genre in Croatia. His productions were heard and recorded numerous times from festivals like Sunwaves, ADE, Sonus, Seastar, Exit.. After few years of research and learning, things finally came into place and he began with production, trying to find, build and perfect his own style. Today, in his 5th year of production, he is expecting his first standalone vinyl release after over 20 digital releases on some respectable labels which hit top 10 lists on beatport, traxsource,etc.
◣IGZ [https,synesthesia,namaz] is a DJ, selector & founding member of synesthesia and NAMAZ collective. He shared DJ booths throughout the years with many established artists, be it local or international, names like Arapu, Janeret, Diego Krause, Mariano Mateljan, BRYZ, Cosmjn, Denis Kaznacheev, Valentino Kanzyani, Madezh. IGZ is also resident DJ of HTTPS: event protocol, a micro-house-minimal music collective. You could be familiar with IGZ sound as he played in most of Zagreb's electronic clubs, Seastar Festival 2022, as well as in Dubrovnik's QOA festival.

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