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Croatian International Film Festival

Croatian International Film Festival

location-iconUred Galileo Film, Šibenik

O dogodku

Kupi karte oz vstopnice za Croatian International Film Festival, 08.08.2024. - 11.08.2024. v Ured Galileo Film, Šibenik


Ulaznice su dostupne na Entrio i u našem uredu : Jurja Barakovica 2A, Šibenik. 

Redosljed filmova, Q&A i panela mozete naci ovdje u linku :

Full line up can be found on our website: CIFF

Svi strani filmovi ce biti titlovani na engleskom. 

- AUGUST 8th, 8:30PM - Red Carpet opens,  9:00PM : Opening Ceremony and Red Carpet Gala- By invitation only   - National Theatre  Šibenik - Croatia  

Opening words my Croatian Amerian Actor Goran Visnjić,  followed by American Ambassador Natalie Rayes 

Opening ceremony Performance by: Matej Mestrovic, 

Homage featurette about renowned award winning Croatian actor Špiro Guberina, followed by a post ceremonies cocktails in the Theatre Atrium. 

- AUGUST 9th, 12 - Midnight Screenings with Q&A & Industry Panels @ all screenigns and   panels are at *Kuca Arsen  address: Obala Hrvatske Mornarice 1 

Short Film Corner series:  Block 1:  2:00PM - 5:00PM  at Civitas Sakra    Block 2: Fortress Barone 9:00PM - 11:30PM 

Noon- 2:30PM                 Screening: -   "SASQUACH SUNSET " -A year in the life of a unique family. It captures the daily life of the Sasquatch with a level of  detail and rigor that is simply unforgettable. Screening will followed Q&A w/ directors David & Nathan Zellner.

4:00PM- 5:15PM             PANEL - "ACTORS ON ACTING" Actress Debie Mazar and actor Goran Višnjić will discuss the craft of acting, working   internationally in multiple languages. 

6:00PM- 7:30PM            PANEL: "DIRECTORS ON DIRECTING" - directors David & Nathan Zellner, Brandt Andersen discuss their work and careers in directing and creating films. 

9:00PM - 11:00PM         SCREENING: "STRANGERS CASE" - Tragedy strikes a Syrian family in Aleppo, starting a chain reaction of events involving five different families in four different countries.  Written and directed by Brandt Andersen who will attend the frstival and Q &A following the screening.

STUDENT FILM CORNER : @ 9:00PM - 11:30PM  @ Museum of City of Sibenik  Address: Gradska Vrata 3 , Šibenik

- AUGUST 10th,   11AM- Midnight @ Kuca Arsen - Address: Obala Hrvatske Mornarice 1 

NOON- 1:20PM         Screening: "PAPER BUTTERFLY" (documentary) followed by Q&A with director Rafael Medina

2:00PM - 3:00PM      Panel: "CASTING, PRODUCTION & MEDIA INTERNATIONL" - Your film, start to finish. - speakers: NY Casting Director Marisol Roncali & Croatian Casting Director Sanja Drakulic (Duart Platform), Tanja Blaževic, Head of Film at Croatian Audiovisual Center with Kristen Berke - Vice President of National Advertising and Branded Content - LA Times. 

4:30PM - 5:30 PM     TALK:  "PUSHING THE ENVELOPE" - Importance of media in film and entertainment - discussion lead by Ana Magznyan - La Times Head of Strategy, Chief of Staff to Executive Chairman 

6:00PM- 8:00PM      SCREENING: "SONG FOR IMOGENE" - After discovering she is pregnant by her abusive boyfriend, a fallen-away musician must decide between freeing herself or remaining a relic of her drive-by Southern town. Written and directed by Erka Arlee.  Screening followed by Q &A with Kristi Ray - lead actress and producer, and producer Andrea Nordgren.


AUGUST 11th  HISTORY CORNER  @ Kuca Arsen - Address: Obala Hrvatske Mornarice 1 

11:00AM - NOON          Screening: "PING PONG PARKINSON" -followed by  talk with Nenad Bach 

1:00PM - 2:30PM          Screenign: "KO NAVIJA ZVIZDE" - followed by talk with Gibonni

3:30PM - 4:30 PM         Screenign: "NAS MALI" - followed by talk with director 

5:00PM - 6:20PM          Screening: " HIDDEN VANKA" followed by talk with curator Nena Komarica

6:30 PM- 7:30 PM          Talk:  H Leonards leads us through a talk on powerful women in history.



 "The rubber tapper"s -Directed by: Rotha Moeng  - Cambodia, "Where have all the smiles gone"- with Q&A  Directed by: Anja Strelec - NEPAL,  "Teachers" - With Q&A - Tihana Jana Vukic - Switzerland, "Gabriela" - Directed by: Evelyn Lorena - USA, "Helado" - Directed by: Melissa Rodriguez- USA 


 "The Joneses" Directed by: by: Emma Canalese - USA, "I was Here" -   Directed by: Nöelle Gentile - USA, "Play List" - Directed by: Caroline Parker Boyd - USA, "Dont Cry Yet" -Directed by: Derek Shane Garcia - USA, Knead -   Directed by: Timothy Michael Cooper- USA, "Circle of Diamonds"- Directed by: Michael Biello/ Dan Martin - USA, "Cockroaches & Cologne"- Directed by: Tyler Milliron - USA, "Out of Tune" -Directed by: Blaž Andrašek - Slovenia, "Other Side of"- Directed by: Mia Felić - Estonia, "Confessions of A River"- Directed by: Andrej Kozina - Croatia 

STUDENT FILM CORNER LINE UP : @ Museum of City of Šibenik August 10th 9:00PM -11:00PM

"Keep it Quiet" Directed by: Sara Horvatić Croatia, "The Human Expirience"  Directed by:  Blais Cameron - USA, "Goodbye Blue Sky" Directed by:  Doğu Artun Özorhan USA, "The Last Raven" Directed by: Yaroslava Kozulina -Ukraine, "Ariel " Directed by:  Bernie Garcia USA

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Kaj je Nadomestilo za izdajo vstopnice?

Nadomestilo za izdajo vstopnice pokriva en del stroškov, ki jih ima Entrio kot agencija za prodajo vstopnic za obdelavo transakcije, izdajo vstopnice in da ti omogoča, da uživaš v dogodku.

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Višina nadomestila za izdajo vstopnice je včasih lahko odvisno od trgovskih dogovorov podjetja Entrio z organizatorjem dogodka.

Nadomestilo za izdajo vstopnice ni vračljivo.

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