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BSH invites Adam Beyer | Día De Los Muertos 2024

BSH invites Adam Beyer | Día De Los Muertos 2024

location-iconVenue to be announced, Zagreb

BSH invites Adam Beyer | Día De Los Muertos 2024

Vstopnice / storitve / izdelki



General Admission early bird final phase (18+) - last entrance 23:30h

1.00 EUR

Late entry fee in the amount of 5 euros will be applied for entering after the time shown on the ticket.
General Admission ticket includes enter to the dance floor area only.
This event is 18+ so please prepare your ID for the entrance.

17.00 EUR

Late entry fee in the amount of 5 euros will be applied for entering after the time shown on the ticket.
General Admission ticket includes enter to the dance floor area only.
This event is 18+ so please prepare your ID for the entrance.

General Admission early bird final phase (18+) - last entrance 01:00h

1.50 EUR

Late entry fee in the amount of 5 euros will be applied for entering after the time shown on the ticket.
General Admission ticket includes enter to the dance floor area only.
This event is 18+ so please prepare your ID for the entrance.

20.00 EUR

Late entry fee in the amount of 5 euros will be applied for entering after the time shown on the ticket.
General Admission ticket includes enter to the dance floor area only.
This event is 18+ so please prepare your ID for the entrance.

VIP early bird final phase (21+) - last entrance 23:30 h

1.50 EUR

Late entry fee in the amount of 5 euros will be applied for entering after the time shown on the ticket.
VIP ticket includes entrance to the elevated VIP deck area with the best view upfront of the stage where you can enjoy dancing and having drinks with more comfort.
VIP ticket is 21+ so please prepare your ID for the entrance.

24.00 EUR

Late entry fee in the amount of 5 euros will be applied for entering after the time shown on the ticket.
VIP ticket includes entrance to the elevated VIP deck area with the best view upfront of the stage where you can enjoy dancing and having drinks with more comfort.
VIP ticket is 21+ so please prepare your ID for the entrance.

VIP early bird final phase (21+) - last entrance 01:00 h

1.50 EUR

Late entry fee in the amount of 5 euros will be applied for entering after the time shown on the ticket.
VIP ticket includes entrance to the elevated VIP deck area with the best view upfront of the stage where you can enjoy dancing and having drinks with more comfort.
VIP ticket is 21+ so please prepare your ID for the entrance.

27.00 EUR

Late entry fee in the amount of 5 euros will be applied for entering after the time shown on the ticket.
VIP ticket includes entrance to the elevated VIP deck area with the best view upfront of the stage where you can enjoy dancing and having drinks with more comfort.
VIP ticket is 21+ so please prepare your ID for the entrance.

Backstage early bird final phase (21+) - last entrance 23:30 h

1.50 EUR

Late entry fee in the amount of 5 euros will be applied for entering after the time shown on the ticket.
Backstage ticket gives you access to all ares including both Backstage and VIP elevated deck areas.
Backstage ticket also gives you access to separated VIP toilet area.
Backstage ticket is 21+ so please prepare your ID for the entrance.

36.00 EUR

Late entry fee in the amount of 5 euros will be applied for entering after the time shown on the ticket.
Backstage ticket gives you access to all ares including both Backstage and VIP elevated deck areas.
Backstage ticket also gives you access to separated VIP toilet area.
Backstage ticket is 21+ so please prepare your ID for the entrance.

Backstage early bird final phase (21+) - last entrance 01:00 h

1.50 EUR

Late entry fee in the amount of 5 euros will be applied for entering after the time shown on the ticket.
Backstage ticket gives you access to all ares including both Backstage and VIP elevated deck areas.
Backstage ticket also gives you access to separated VIP toilet area.
Backstage ticket is 21+ so please prepare your ID for the entrance.

39.00 EUR

Late entry fee in the amount of 5 euros will be applied for entering after the time shown on the ticket.
Backstage ticket gives you access to all ares including both Backstage and VIP elevated deck areas.
Backstage ticket also gives you access to separated VIP toilet area.
Backstage ticket is 21+ so please prepare your ID for the entrance.


0.00 EUR

x Nadomestilo :

0.00 EUR


0.00 EUR

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Opomba: v kolikor je promocijska koda za popust veljavna, bo popust viden v naslednjem koraku

O dogodku

Kupi karte oz vstopnice za BSH invites Adam Beyer | Día De Los Muertos 2024, 31.10.2024. - 01.11.2024. v Venue to be announced, Zagreb

Deli dogodek:

Kaj je Nadomestilo za izdajo vstopnice?

Nadomestilo za izdajo vstopnice pokriva en del stroškov, ki jih ima Entrio kot agencija za prodajo vstopnic za obdelavo transakcije, izdajo vstopnice in da ti omogoča, da uživaš v dogodku.

Entrio zaračunava nadomestilo za vsako kupljeno vstopnico, za vse načine plačila na internetu in na prodajnih mestih, ki med drugim pokriva stroške podpore Entrio kupcem, vzdrževanje strežniškega sistema, administracijo in druge stroške, povezane z izdajo vstopnice.

Višina nadomestila za izdajo vstopnice je včasih lahko odvisno od trgovskih dogovorov podjetja Entrio z organizatorjem dogodka.

Nadomestilo za izdajo vstopnice ni vračljivo.

Neveljavna promocijska koda

Prosimo poskusi ponovno čez 15 minut, v kolikor si prepričan, da je promocijska koda veljavna - možno je, da jo je sistem v tvojemu prejšnjem poskusu začasno rezerviral

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  • Nujni piškotki omogočajo osnovne funkcije. Brez teh piškotkov spletna stran ne more pravilno delovati, in jih lahko onemogočiš s spreminjanjem nastavitev v svojem browseru.

  • Analitični piškotki nam pomagajo izboljšati spletno stran z zbiranjem in analizo podatkov o njeni uporabi.

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