Animafest Scanner VII
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O dogodku
Prijavi se za Animafest Scanner VII, 29.09.2020. - 30.09.2020.
As the worldwide Animation Studies are rapidly growing and evolving in recent years, catching up with the increasing field of animated films, Animafest Scanner symposium is again at the frontline of the discourse and the interaction of theoretical and practical approaches to animation. The seventh edition of the Symposium for Contemporary Animation Animafest Scanner VII aims again to create synergy of theoretical and practical discourses, and stimulate exchange between filmmakers and scholars.
The symposium is held in association with the World Festival of Animated Film - Animafest Zagreb. Over the course of its forty-seven-year history, the festival has given a stage to different animation forms and formats in competition and non-competition environments, presenting a worldwide selection of auteur, experimental and mainstream animated films in various programs.
This year’s keynote speaker is the recipient of the Animafest Zagreb Award for Outstanding Contribution to Animation Studies for 2020, Canadian animation researcher and the Artistic Director of the Ottawa International Animation Festival (OIAF), Chris Robinson.
The speakers will focus on the following subjects: Animation in the World of Chaos, Women in Animation, Animation and Poetry.
Detailed schedule is available at
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