Thievery Corporation

Thievery Corporation

location-iconMalo rimsko kazalište, Pula

Thievery Corporation

Ulaznice / usluge / proizvodi



Ulaznica - redovna

1.50 EUR

42.00 EUR


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O događaju

Kupi karte odnosno ulaznice za Thievery Corporation, 20.07.2024. u Malo rimsko kazalište, Pula

THIEVERY CORPORATION ovog ljeta u Malom rimskom kazalištu!

Thievery Corporation jedno od legendarnih imena u svijetu elektronske glazbe stiže u subotu, 20. srpnja 2024. s bendom u Malo rimsko kazalište u Puli.

Već gotovo tri desetljeća osvajaju svijet svojim jedinstvenim stilom glazbe prkoseći pripadnosti jednom glazbenom pravcu. S pravom ih definiraju kao kulturni fenomen koji spaja ljude različitih pozadina kroz univerzalni jezik glazbe. Njihova sposobnost da kombiniraju žanrove i kulture, od brazilske, indijske, preko jamajkanske do ritmova jazza čini ih jednim od najutjecajnijih sastava u suvremenoj glazbi. S bogatom diskografijom i posvećenošću stvaranju glazbe koja inspirira i povezuje, nastavljaju oduševljavati publiku diljem svijeta.

Od samih početaka u 1990-ima u Washingtonu, osnivači benda Eric Hilton i Rob Garza, usmjerili su se na put bez izdavača i već tada pokazali da razmišljaju drugačije. Bez pritisaka izdavačke kuće kreirali su vlastiti prepoznatljivi zvuk koji ih smješta u sam vrh svjetske glazbene scene. Ne slijedeći trendove i prihvaćajući kulturološke raznolikosti koje svijet čine tako čudesnim mjestom, Thievery Corporation stvorio je glazbeno moćno naslijeđe.

Debitantski album "Sounds from the Thievery Hi-Fi" (1996.), postavio je temelje njihove karijere mješavinom dub-a, bossa nove i elektronike. Slijedeći uspjeh, "The Mirror Conspiracy" (2000.) oduševio je publiku sofisticiranim zvukom i globalnim utjecajima. Samo dvije godine kasnije album "The Richest Man in Babylon" donosi duboko angažirane tekstove s temama socijalne pravde i politike. Za Grammya nominiran album "Radio Retaliation" (2008.) nastavlja s političkim komentarom i uvodi više reggae i afro-beat elemenata. "Treasures from the Temple" (2018.), kombinira remikse i nove pjesme, istražujući bogate zvučne pejzaže s naglaskom na društvenu svijest.

U svojim live nastupima Thievery Corporation izbjegava bilo kakve oblike elektroničke plesne glazbe. Da, plesat ćete, znojiti se i dizati ruke u zrak... međutim njihovi su koncerti pravi glazbeni doživljaji s ubojitim bendom svirača i nizom vokala iz različitih svjetskih kultura.

Očekujte neponovljiv glazbeni spektakl na jedinstvenoj pozornici Malog rimskog kazališta.

Općenite informacije

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Thievery Corporation

Thievery Corporation, one of the most legendary names in the world of electronic music, is taking the stage of the Small Roman Theater in Pula on Saturday, 20.07.2024.

They have been conquering the world with their unique style of music for almost three decades. They are rightly defined as a cultural phenomenon that unites people of different backgrounds through the universal language of music. Their ability to combine genres and cultures, from Brazilian, Indian, through Jamaican to jazz rhythms, makes them one of the most influential bands in contemporary music. With a rich discography and dedication to creating music that inspires and connects, they continue to delight audiences around the world.

From the very beginnings in the 1990s in Washington, the founders of the band, Eric Hilton and Rob Garza, set their sights on the path without a label and immediately showed that they think differently. Without the pressure of a publishing house, they created their own distinctive sound that will place them at the very top of world music creators. By not following trends and embracing the cultural diversity that makes the world such a wonderful place, Thievery Corporation has created a musically powerful legacy.

The debut album "Sounds from the Thievery Hi-Fi" (1996) laid the foundations of their career with a mix of dub, bossa nova and electronica. Following the success, "The Mirror Conspiracy" (2000) delighted audiences with its sophisticated sound and global influences. Just two years later, the album "The Richest Man in Babylon" brings deeply engaged lyrics with themes of social justice and politics. The Grammy-nominated album "Radio Retaliation" (2008) continues the political commentary and introduces more reggae and Afro-beat elements. "Treasures from the Temple" (2018), combines remixes and new songs, exploring rich soundscapes with an emphasis on social consciousness.

In their live performances, Thievery Corporation avoids any forms of electronic dance music. Yes, you will dance, sweat and throw your hands in the air... but their concerts are a real musical experience with a killer band of players and a range of vocalists from different world cultures.

Expect a unique musical spectacle on the unique stage of the Small Roman Theater.

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