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The Garden pres. Defected Zagreb #2

The Garden pres. Defected Zagreb #2

location-iconBoćarski dom, Zagreb

The Garden pres. Defected Zagreb #2

O događaju

Kupi karte odnosno ulaznice za The Garden pres. Defected Zagreb #2, 24.11.2023. - 25.11.2023. u Boćarski dom, Zagreb

The Garden and Dobar House will be hosting the second Defected Zagreb this November!

➤ What? The Garden pres. Defected Zagreb #2
➤ Where? Boćarski dom
➤ When? 24 I 11 I 2023
➤ Who? ➤ Eats Everything | Melé | Rio Tashan | Elena Mikac | Tom Bug & Grooveline


We are excited to announce that Defected Zagreb is coming back in November 2023!

The global music brand Defected is coming to Croatia again!

A new get-together will take place in Zagreb on Friday, November 24, at Boćarski dom with a special Defected production and a complete audio experience via The Garden Funktion One sound system.

This time, we are bringing three debut Zagreb performances by Eats Everything, Melé, and Rio Tashan, with local support featuring Elena Mikac and Tom Bug & Grooveline.

Eats Everything

Eats Everything, rooted in Bristol's vibrant music culture, is a globetrotting DJ, accomplished producer, and label owner. Celebrating a decade under his famous pseudonym in 2021, he broke through with 'Entrance Song,' marking the end of his non-musical day job. His diverse music production spans from rave anthems like 'Miss Honey' to collaborations with Fatboy Slim. Eats has graced labels like Edible, EI8HT, and many more.

With three decades of DJing and production experience, his refined ear and instinctual knack for music shine through. His gregarious personality is evident on BBC Radio 1 and his 'Edible Beats' radio show, along with charitable initiatives like 'Come Rave With Me' and 'Last Night a DJ Saved My Life'. Eats Everything embodies the essence of rave culture, uniting dancefloors worldwide with his open-minded selections and unwavering humility. His legacy and positive influence continue to resonate with fans around the globe.


Melé, also known as Krissy Peers, is a renowned artist celebrated for his dynamic music style, fusing world music-inspired house, transatlantic hip hop, UK sounds, and classic Chicago grooves. His tracks like 'The Panther' and 'Groove La Afrika' have earned hundreds of thousands of Spotify streams, while his remixes for artists like Armand Van Helden have reached a global audience. Melé's diverse appeal is evident from his presence on labels like Brownswood and Defected, and his performances at venues ranging from Gilles Peterson's Worldwide Festival to Elrow in Barcelona. In addition to his music career, he has successfully launched the multi-faceted Club Bad brand, encompassing parties, fashion, and a record label, all committed to delivering high-quality experiences.

Rio Tashan

Rio is a rising star from the Defected ranks who quickly became THE talked-about artist after his numerous appearances on Defected shows all over the world, including Defected Croatia.

The well-known Dobar House crew will be the local support with performances from Elena Mikac and Tom Bug & Grooveline.

For more info and to stay updated, please visit:


We can't wait to see you there.

The Garden Family & Dobar House

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