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The best of Elina Garanča

The best of Elina Garanča

location-iconKoncertna dvorana Vatroslava Lisinskog, Zagreb

The best of Elina Garanča

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O događaju

Kupi karte odnosno ulaznice za The best of Elina Garanča, 10.02.2025. u Koncertna dvorana Vatroslava Lisinskog, Zagreb


With a remarkable career spanning decades, Elīna Garanca is a mezzo-soprano of international acclaim. Her journey from Riga, Latvia, to the world's most prestigious opera houses has been marked by exceptional artistry and dedication. Garnering critical acclaim and captivating audiences worldwide, she has become a prominent figure in the realm of classical music.
Among other roles, she is particularly famed for her portrayal as Bizet’s Carmen which she has sung in the majority of leading theatres, like Royal Opera House Covent Garden, Bayerische Staatsoper, Palau de les Arts Reina Sofía Valencia, or Metropolitan Opera to critical acclaim; the NY Times named her “the finest Carmen in 25 years...”.
Recent highlights include the debut at the Bayreuth Festival in the role of Kundry, becoming the first Latvian female singing at this prestigious stage, the long-awaited dream role debut of Amneris in Verdi’s Aida at the Wiener Staatsoper and the Vienna Philharmonic Summer Night Concert with Maestro Yannick Nézet-Séguin, streamed in over 30 countries live and broadcast in more than 80 countries. In 2023/2024 season will Elīna star at various festivals and galas throughout Europe, Asia, and North and South America.
In September 2005 Elīna became an exclusive artist with Deutsche Grammophon (DG). Her first solo recording ‘Aria Cantilena’ was released in March 2007 to great popular and critical acclaim. Two of her previous albums (‘Romantique’ and ‘Meditation’) both won an ECHO Klassik award. Her album ‘Sol y Vida’ was released in May 2019 and has been unanimously praised by the critics: “Garanča’s selection of flamboyant Mediterranean and Latin American songs is a predictably good fit for her ripe and beguiling timbre.” (Gramophone). In November 2020, she released her first solo recital album, featuring Schumann's song cycle Frauenliebe und Leben and a selection of Brahms songs followed by ‘Live from Salzburg’ album released in December 2021 documenting two remarkable events at the Salzburg Festival in the summers of 2020 and 2021 with the Wiener Philharmoniker and Christian Thielemann.
Elīna has been the recipient of numerous national and international awards, greatly cherishing the title of 'Kammersängerin' honoured by the Wiener Staatsoper for her devotion to the House, singing over one hundred and sixty performances of eighteen roles since her debut in the House in 2003. Elīna appears regularly at the Metropolitan Opera, Wiener Staatsoper, ROH Covent Garden, Salzburg Festival, Festspielhaus Baden-Baden, Bayerisches Staatsoper Munich, Deutsche Oper Berlin, Carnegie Hall New York and Wigmore Hall London and continues to perform in various concerts, festivals and recitals all over the world.
Conductor Karel Mark Chicon, known for his extraordinary sensibility and experience and usual partner of Elina Garanca in this concerts will ensure an unforgettable musical experience for all audience.

Kućni red koncertne dvorane Vatroslav Lisinski: https://lisinski.hr/hr/o-nama/kucni-red/

ULAZNICE: Ulazak u dvoranu moguć je isključivo temeljem važeće ulaznice. Kupac može ostvariti povrat sredstava isključivo u slučaju otkazivanja događaja. Povrat je moguć u roku od 60 dana na način i mjestu gdje je ulaznica kupljena.
TICKETS: Admission to the Venue will only be granted to persons providing a valid ticket. The customer can only get a refund in case of event cancellation. Refunds are possible within 60 days in the manner and at the place of ticket purchase.

GARDEROBA: Posjetitelji KDVL obvezni su koristiti garderobu. U gledalištima dvorana zabranjeno je unošenje kaputa, ruksaka, glazbenih instrumenata, hrane, boca, limenki, čaša, oružja, pirotehničkih sredstava, cvjetnih aranžmana te drugih neprimjerenih predmeta.
COAT CHECK: All Vatroslav Lisinski Concert Hall’s visitors must check their coats. It is prohibited to bring coats, backpacks, musical instruments, food, bottles, cans, drinking glasses, weapons, pyrotechnic articles, flower arrangements and other inappropriate items into the auditoriums.

KAŠNJENJE: Posjetiteljima koji zakasne na početak programa ulazak je dopušten prema odluci službene osobe u trenucima u kojima neće ometati program ni druge posjetitelje, a u slučaju ulaska u Veliku dvoranu isključivo kroz gornju galeriju. Posjetitelji koji zakasne na početak programa bit će smješteni na za to predviđena mjesta na gornjoj tribini kako ne bi ometali program ni druge posjetitelje.
LATE ARRIVAL: Visitors arriving after the start of a programme will be allowed to enter the auditorium at the discretion of officials at times when they will not distract the performers or other visitors; entry to the Great Hall will only be allowed from the top gallery. Latecomers will be seated in the designated seats in the upper stand so as not to distract the performers or other visitors.

MOBILNI TELEFONI I SNIMANJA: U prostorima gledališta dvorana tijekom priredbi posjetitelji moraju u potpunosti ugasiti mobilne telefone te ne smiju unositi niti koristiti uređaje za neovlašteno snimanje. Posjetitelji su suglasni s radijskim i televizijskim snimanjem programa koje je dogovorio organizator.
MOBILE PHONES AND RECORDING: Visitors must completely switch off mobile phones in the auditorium during performances and must not bring in or use unauthorized recording devices. Visitors agree to the radio and television recording of programmes arranged by the organizer.

QR KOD: Posjetitelji kupnjom ulaznica prihvaćaju kućni red KDVL.
QR CODE: By purchasing tickets, visitors accept the House Rules of Vatroslav Lisinski Concert Hall.

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