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Panic Room Croatia at Kućica Sljeme w/David Penn

Panic Room Croatia at Kućica Sljeme w/David Penn

location-iconKućica Sljeme, Zagreb

Panic Room Croatia at Kućica Sljeme w/David Penn

O događaju

Kupi karte odnosno ulaznice za Panic Room Croatia at Kućica Sljeme w/David Penn, 20.05.2023. - 21.05.2023. u Kućica Sljeme, Zagreb

PANIC ROOM CROATIA @ KUĆICA SLJEME, 1033m / 20.05.2023 / 16:00 - 00:00

We know you love open-air events as much as we do, so we are back with the highest one!

Come and dance with us on the beautiful Sljeme and enjoy the view and sunset with the finest house music and a unique experience at 1033 meters above the city.

Sljeme is one of the favorite spots of the people in Zagreb, but we can promise you Panic Room Croatia will turn it into house and tech-house music oasis for a day because we are bringing you the line-up you have all been waiting for!


Location - Kučića Sljeme, last station of Žičara Sljeme

The event starts at 16h, doors are open until 18:30h. 

An additional fee will be applied for entering after the time shown on your ticket of choice.

Please prepare your transport tickets in Zagreb for Žičara Sljeme and your event tickets on Sljeme for entry.



DAVID PENN - one of Spain’s best-known DJs and producers of house music. In December 2019 he was awarded Best House Artist of 2019 and #10 at the "Top Artists Of 2020" by Traxsource. Croatians know him for his famous performances at Defected Croatia festival.



Luka Kosty

Tom Bug 


We know your first thought was how to get there. 

Don’t worry we took care of you and provided you with exclusive party transportation by Žičara Sljeme to the top and back by the party bus after the event.

The transport ticket will be sold in a bundle pack with tickets for the event, and you are not obliged to buy it if you have other transport.

Transport with Žičara is starting from 16:00h until 18:15h. 

While waiting for your turn to ride up with Žičara Sljeme, Red Bull Stribor and DJ HYVAN will hype you up for the party! 

The transportation bundle pack includes:

TO THE VENUE: one-way žičara Sljeme ticket takes you directly in front of the venue. The ticket is valid from 16:00-18:15.
FROM THE VENUE: shuttle bus ride to the žičara Sljeme entrance. Bus ride available from 23:45.


For this event, we only have regular tables because the production this time is going to be a bit different. By making this event more exclusive there is no better way than connecting with DJ and everybody with BOILER-ROOM set-up!

Table reservation is NOT mandatory for entering the event.



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