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Kupi karte odnosno ulaznice za Moondance Festival 2021 LTD, 30.07.2021. - 01.08.2021. u Kula Kamerlengo, Trogir
Moondance 2021 – Promijenjeno radno vrijeme zbog novih mjera
Upravo smo dobili odluku županijskog stožera CZ o radnom vremenu Moondance Festivala do 24.00. Povodom te odluke da nam ograniči radno vrijeme do ponoći ovim putem obavještavamo sve da smo prisiljeni cijeli program pomaknuti od 17.00 – 24.00 obje večeri te Pirate boat u subotu od 15.00 – 19.00. Warm Up i After se neće održati pošto su planirani na plaži a tamo ne smije biti više od 15 ljudi na okupu ako nije ograđeno.
Napravili smo sve u našoj moći i borili se do zadnjeg trena da se festival održi u najavljenim terminima, pogotovo što smatramo da smo minimalno epidemiološki rizični obzirom da smo ograničili kapacitet, događaj je na otvorenom, organizirano testiranje, te smo prošle godine bili primjer poštivanja epidemioloških mjera. Razmišljali smo i o otkazivanju događaja, međutim već je dosta stranih gostiju stiglo tako da smo odbacili tu mogućnost kao lošiju.
Svima onima koji žele vratiti ulaznicu to će biti omogućeno pute Entria danas do početka festivala kao i zamjena za ulaznice za Moondance 2022.
Moondance je od samih početaka zamišljen kao drugačiji festival kojemu je fer odnos prema publici najvažnija stvar. Intiman i opušten s klupskim vajbom na kojemu vlada demokratična atmosfera, gdje su svi isti, bez vipa, festival s kojega su ljudi uvijek odlazili sa smiješkom spremajući se za sljedeće izdanje. Zbog toga su mnogi strani i domaći mediji posali o Moondanceu i zbog toga smo 3 puta proglašeni kao najbolji domaći festival. Zato vas molimo za razumjevanije i potporu u ovim za nas teškim vremenima.
Moondance 2021 - New working time due to new Covid-19 measures
Regarding the decision of the SD County epidemic authorities to limit our working hours until midnight, we hereby inform everyone that we are forced to move the entire program to new times from 17.00 - 00.00 for both days. Pirate boat is scheduled on Saturday from 15.00 - 19.00. Test on Covid 19 starts today at 16.00 and 14.00 at Saturday, one hour before boarding on ship. Warm Up and After will not take place as they are planned on the beach and there should not be more than 15 people together if it is not fenced.
We did everything in our power to hold the festival on schedule, especially since we believe that we are minimally epidemiologically risky given that we have limited capacity, the event is open, testing is organized, and last year we were an example of compliance with epidemiological measures. We were also thinking about canceling the event, but a lot of foreign guests have already arrived, so we rejected that option.
All those wishing to return a ticket will be able to do so before festivala start today as well as a replacement for tickets for Moondance 2022.
From the very beginning, Moondance was conceived as a different festival that is primarily for music and a loyal audience. Intimate and relaxed with a club vibe where there is a democratic atmosphere, where everyone is the same, without a VIP, a festival from which people always left with a smile in preparation for the next edition. That is why many foreign and domestic media have reported on Moondance and that is why we have been voted the best Croatian festival 3 times. That is why we ask you for understanding and support in these difficult times for us.
See you today from 17.00
8. Moondance Festival 2021 LTD
Date: 30.7.-1.8.2021.
Location: Kamerlengo Fortress, Trogir, Croatia
Awarded "Best Croatian festival in 2016"
5 parties during 3 days and nights
Don't miss Boat party tickets - all tickets are limited due to Covid19 restrictions.
//For Croatian scroll down //
The last edition of the Moondance Festival 2020 was one of the few festivals on the Adriatic but also in the world that received a license to hold in the middle of the epidemic. A limited number of tickets sold out in record time. Rigorous measures at the entrance and extremely positive behavior of all festival goerss who adhered to epidemiological measures to keep the scene alive, resulted primarily in zero infected at the festival and praise from the institution and inspection, so we are optimistic about the announcement of the next edition of Moondance Festival 2021 with covid-19 or not.
What to say for the announcement in these strange times reminiscent of the zoombie apocalypse than – we will survive!
CANCELED 30.7. Introductory warm-up session FRIDAY 18-23h (location tba)
RESCHEDULED TO 30.7. FRIDAY 17-24h Kamerlengo Fortress: Friday night
RESCHEULED TO 31.7. SATURDAY 15-19h Pirate Sunset Boat Party (Start: in front of Kamerlengo Fortress)
RESCHEDULED TO 31.7. SATURDAY 17-24h Kamerlengo Fortress: Saturday night
CANCELED 1.8. SUNDAY 07-14h After Beach Party (location tba)
For the year 2021, we anticipate a further similar situation regarding the limitation of the number of visitors and the festival is due to the now limited last year’s capacity until the situation changes, but we open another day and add Pirate Boat party, Warm up and after parties.
Early Bird tickets SOLD OUT and up to mostly Extreme pass! Which means a whole 5-party weekend is planned.
The number of tickets released for sale is now limited, meaning whoever before built-in secures their place at their favorite festival.
Official web site:
Tickets with discounts:
Facebook event LINK
Foto Galerija
Dragi Moondanceri,
Prošlo izdanje Moondance festivala 2020 bio je jedan od rijetkih festivala na Jadranu ali i na svijetu koji je usred epidemije dobio dozvolu za održavanje. Ograničeni broj ulaznica je rasprodan u rekordnom vremenu. Rigorozne mjere na ulazu i izuzetno pozitivno ponašanje svih partijanera koji su se pridržavali epidemioloških mjera kako bi održali scenu na životu, rezultirali su prije svega s nula zaraženih na festivalu te pohvalama od strane institucija i inspekcija, a nama optimizam za najavu slijedećeg izdanja Moondance festivala 2021 bilo sa koronom ili ne.
Što prikladno reći za najavu u ovim čudnim vremenima koja podsjećaju na zombi apokalipsu nego – tko preživi pričat će!
8. Moondance Festival 2021 ltd
Datum: 30.7.-1.8.2021.
Lokacija: Kula Kamerlengo, Trogir
CANCELED 30.7. Introductory warm-up session FRIDAY 18-23h (location tba)
RESCHEDULED TO 30.7. FRIDAY 17-24h Kamerlengo Fortress: Friday night
RESCHEULED TO 31.7. SATURDAY 15-19h Pirate Sunset Boat Party (Start: in front of Kamerlengo Fortress)
RESCHEDULED TO 31.7. SATURDAY 17-24h Kamerlengo Fortress: Saturday night
CANCELED 1.8. SUNDAY 07-14h After Beach Party (location tba)
Za godinu 2021 predviđamo i dalje sličnu situaciju što se tiče ograničenja broja posjetitelja te je festival za sada ograničen na lanjski kapacitet dok se ne promjeni situacija, ali otvaramo još jedan dan i dodajemo Pirate Boat party, Warm up i after partije.
Early Bird karte RASPRODANE i to većinom Extreme pass! Što znači da se planira cijeli vikend od 5 partija.
Broj ulaznica puštenih u prodaju je za sada ograničen što znači tko prije ugrabi osigurava svoje mjesto na svom omiljenom festivalu.
Karte potražite na:
Facebook event LINK
Foto Galerija
Povrat novca za ulaznice kupljene preko Entrio platforme (bilo online na ili gotovinom na jednom od Entrio prodajnih mjesta) potrebno je zatražiti isključivo preko web forme najkasnije u roku od mjesec dana nakon prvotno planiranog početka događaja odnosno do 07.08.2021.
A refund for your tickets purchased through the Entrio platform (whether online at Entrio website or offline with cash at one of the outlets) should be requested exclusively via webform no later than one month after the initial event date (until August 7th, 2021)