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Prijava odnosno registracija za Fuckup Nights Vol II @Impact Hub Zagreb, 09.10.2014. u Impact HUB Zagreb, Vlaška 70E Zagreb, Zagreb

Fuckup Nights is a global movement that aims to accelerate the learning process while reaching people closer to actual cases of business failure.
Since its inception in Mexico City, in each FuckUp Night three entrepreneurs present their failures using 10 images and 7 minutes.
Since September 2012, hundreds of fuckupreneurs have told their stories of failure to thousands of attendees in more than 10 countries.
This is possible thanks to our fellow fuckupers from Mexico City, Mumbai, San Sebastian, Medellin, San Francisco, Paris, Melbourne, Stockholm, Culiacán, Monterrey, Tijuana, Guadalajara, Oaxaca, and many more.
Meet our speakers:
Eli Mohamad
Croatian born, US based entrepreneur; former management consultant and European Commission expert on innovation, with ample experience in designing and managing projects across a number of industries. He holds a MSc in Technology and Innovation Management from the University of Sussex, UK. Will be talking about his startup Walkmore.
Miroslav Wranka
Born in 1972. in Osijek, then Yugoslavia, now Croatia. Started working as a journalist in 1989., hasn't stopped since. Freelancer since 2007., covering ICT and economic issuses. Likes to create and play games.
Miroslav will be sharing his experience with the newsletter viapositiva and why it no longer exists.
Antonio Separovic
CEO of Oradian, Antonio has a long history in marketing, brand-management, and sales. He has spent nearly a decade working for different software vendors in the financial inclusion arena. That experience drove Antonio's ambition to empower financial institutions, enabling them to leverage their data and not be hindered by technology. His vision is "to make technology solutions that work for microfinance".
Antonio will be talking about his former startup called "Jet Control".