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EBAN Winter University 2016

EBAN Winter University 2016

location-iconKoncertna dvorana Vatroslava Lisinskog, Zagreb

O događaju

Prijava odnosno registracija za EBAN Winter University 2016, 29.11.2016. - 30.11.2016. u Koncertna dvorana Vatroslava Lisinskog, Zagreb

Croatian Business Angels Network is organizing, in cooperation with the City of Zagreb, Europe’s largest investment conference. Bringing together business angels, entrepreneurs and startup companies, EBAN Winter University, established by European Business Angels Network, is held every year in a different European city. This year's edition, after Helsinki and Copenhagen, is coming to Zagreb on 29th - 30th November at the grand Vatroslav Lisinski opera hall.

This year’s conference will be a spring of new ideas and trends, bringing together the world’s most eminent business angels, entrepreneurs and opinion makers, and enabling networking and deal-making with experts in the field. We are expecting more than 1700 participants, including 400 business angels and investors and 100 startups from around the world, along with hundreds of students from all over Europe.

The daily schedule of the conference includes speeches, panels and messages from leading experts in the field of investments. They will provide information about and insights into the latest trends in the world’s startup scene. Part of the program will also be Zagreb Connect, a contest for startups, in which the winning startups will present their pitch to the conference. Visitors can also expect numerous opportunities for networking, such as promotions, cocktails and parties.

We would also like to highlight the fact that Zagreb promises an enchanting Christmas environment, having been elected as the best European Winter destination in 2015!

The active support and sponsorship of the Croatian President, Mrs. Kolinda Grabar – Kitarović, and the Mayor of Zagreb, Mr. Milan Bandić, add special importance to this conference. We are also expecting many other members of the European governments, city mayors and influencers to be present in Zagreb.

*EBAN, ABAN and MBAN members and members’ members, Rising Tide Europe investors and EBAN Partners and Sponsors can receive the discount upon inserting the DISCOUNT CODE during the purchase process. Please contact EBAN Office: [email protected] for your code.

Information about gala dinner, accommodation and programme is coming soon!

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