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Croatian International Film Festival

Croatian International Film Festival

location-iconUred Galileo Film, Šibenik

O događaju

Kupi karte odnosno ulaznice za Croatian International Film Festival, 08.08.2024. - 11.08.2024. u Ured Galileo Film, Šibenik


Ulaznice su dostupne na Entrio i u našem uredu : Jurja Barakovica 2A, Šibenik. 

Redosljed filmova, Q&A i panela mozete naci ovdje u linku :   https://www.croatianinternationalfilmfestival.com/program

Full line up can be found on our website: CIFF

Svi strani filmovi ce biti titlovani na engleskom. 

- AUGUST 8th, 8:30PM - Red Carpet opens,  9:00PM : Opening Ceremony and Red Carpet Gala- By invitation only   - National Theatre  Šibenik - Croatia  

Opening words my Croatian Amerian Actor Goran Visnjić,  followed by American Ambassador Natalie Rayes 

Opening ceremony Performance by: Matej Mestrovic, 

Homage featurette about renowned award winning Croatian actor Špiro Guberina, followed by a post ceremonies cocktails in the Theatre Atrium. 

- AUGUST 9th, 12 - Midnight Screenings with Q&A & Industry Panels @ all screenigns and   panels are at *Kuca Arsen  address: Obala Hrvatske Mornarice 1 

Short Film Corner series:  Block 1:  2:00PM - 5:00PM  at Civitas Sakra    Block 2: Fortress Barone 9:00PM - 11:30PM 

Noon- 2:30PM                 Screening: -   "SASQUACH SUNSET " -A year in the life of a unique family. It captures the daily life of the Sasquatch with a level of  detail and rigor that is simply unforgettable. Screening will followed Q&A w/ directors David & Nathan Zellner.

4:00PM- 5:15PM             PANEL - "ACTORS ON ACTING" Actress Debie Mazar and actor Goran Višnjić will discuss the craft of acting, working   internationally in multiple languages. 

6:00PM- 7:30PM            PANEL: "DIRECTORS ON DIRECTING" - directors David & Nathan Zellner, Brandt Andersen discuss their work and careers in directing and creating films. 

9:00PM - 11:00PM         SCREENING: "STRANGERS CASE" - Tragedy strikes a Syrian family in Aleppo, starting a chain reaction of events involving five different families in four different countries.  Written and directed by Brandt Andersen who will attend the frstival and Q &A following the screening.

STUDENT FILM CORNER : @ 9:00PM - 11:30PM  @ Museum of City of Sibenik  Address: Gradska Vrata 3 , Šibenik

- AUGUST 10th,   11AM- Midnight @ Kuca Arsen - Address: Obala Hrvatske Mornarice 1 

NOON- 1:20PM         Screening: "PAPER BUTTERFLY" (documentary) followed by Q&A with director Rafael Medina

2:00PM - 3:00PM      Panel: "CASTING, PRODUCTION & MEDIA INTERNATIONL" - Your film, start to finish. - speakers: NY Casting Director Marisol Roncali & Croatian Casting Director Sanja Drakulic (Duart Platform), Tanja Blaževic, Head of Film at Croatian Audiovisual Center with Kristen Berke - Vice President of National Advertising and Branded Content - LA Times. 

4:30PM - 5:30 PM     TALK:  "PUSHING THE ENVELOPE" - Importance of media in film and entertainment - discussion lead by Ana Magznyan - La Times Head of Strategy, Chief of Staff to Executive Chairman 

6:00PM- 8:00PM      SCREENING: "SONG FOR IMOGENE" - After discovering she is pregnant by her abusive boyfriend, a fallen-away musician must decide between freeing herself or remaining a relic of her drive-by Southern town. Written and directed by Erka Arlee.  Screening followed by Q &A with Kristi Ray - lead actress and producer, and producer Andrea Nordgren.


AUGUST 11th  HISTORY CORNER  @ Kuca Arsen - Address: Obala Hrvatske Mornarice 1 

11:00AM - NOON          Screening: "PING PONG PARKINSON" -followed by  talk with Nenad Bach 

1:00PM - 2:30PM          Screenign: "KO NAVIJA ZVIZDE" - followed by talk with Gibonni

3:30PM - 4:30 PM         Screenign: "NAS MALI" - followed by talk with director 

5:00PM - 6:20PM          Screening: " HIDDEN VANKA" followed by talk with curator Nena Komarica

6:30 PM- 7:30 PM          Talk:  H Leonards leads us through a talk on powerful women in history.



 "The rubber tapper"s -Directed by: Rotha Moeng  - Cambodia, "Where have all the smiles gone"- with Q&A  Directed by: Anja Strelec - NEPAL,  "Teachers" - With Q&A - Tihana Jana Vukic - Switzerland, "Gabriela" - Directed by: Evelyn Lorena - USA, "Helado" - Directed by: Melissa Rodriguez- USA 


 "The Joneses" Directed by: by: Emma Canalese - USA, "I was Here" -   Directed by: Nöelle Gentile - USA, "Play List" - Directed by: Caroline Parker Boyd - USA, "Dont Cry Yet" -Directed by: Derek Shane Garcia - USA, Knead -   Directed by: Timothy Michael Cooper- USA, "Circle of Diamonds"- Directed by: Michael Biello/ Dan Martin - USA, "Cockroaches & Cologne"- Directed by: Tyler Milliron - USA, "Out of Tune" -Directed by: Blaž Andrašek - Slovenia, "Other Side of"- Directed by: Mia Felić - Estonia, "Confessions of A River"- Directed by: Andrej Kozina - Croatia 

STUDENT FILM CORNER LINE UP : @ Museum of City of Šibenik August 10th 9:00PM -11:00PM

"Keep it Quiet" Directed by: Sara Horvatić Croatia, "The Human Expirience"  Directed by:  Blais Cameron - USA, "Goodbye Blue Sky" Directed by:  Doğu Artun Özorhan USA, "The Last Raven" Directed by: Yaroslava Kozulina -Ukraine, "Ariel " Directed by:  Bernie Garcia USA

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