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Automation Summit 2025

Automation Summit 2025

location-iconLe Meridien Lav, Split, Podstrana

Automation Summit 2025

Ulaznice / usluge / proizvodi



Super Early Bird - Automation Summit 2025 (VAT included)

1.50 EUR

Join us for 2 amazing days:
• Get in front of 350 top-notch professionals and leaders in Adria region
• Witness the latest in automation and AI by curated tech solution providers
• Action-packed agenda from 9am to 5pm, Thursday and Friday
• Connect with peers, leaders, business owners and start-ups
• Meet and greet with over 20 inspirational speakers
• Get hands-on experience and live demo
• Enjoy Croatian hospitality over two relaxing days
• Get to know Split - stay at unreal Le Meridien hotel

562.50 EUR

Join us for 2 amazing days:
• Get in front of 350 top-notch professionals and leaders in Adria region
• Witness the latest in automation and AI by curated tech solution providers
• Action-packed agenda from 9am to 5pm, Thursday and Friday
• Connect with peers, leaders, business owners and start-ups
• Meet and greet with over 20 inspirational speakers
• Get hands-on experience and live demo
• Enjoy Croatian hospitality over two relaxing days
• Get to know Split - stay at unreal Le Meridien hotel


0.00 EUR

x Naknada :

0.00 EUR


0.00 EUR

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Napomena: ukoliko je promo kod za popust važeći, popust će ti se primjeniti u idućem koraku

O događaju

Prijava odnosno registracija za Automation Summit 2025, 24.04.2025. - 25.04.2025. u Le Meridien Lav, Split, Podstrana

Automation Summit 2025

Following an extraordinary success at its’ inaugural edition in 2024, Automation Summit fearlessly represents an annual gathering of top-tier business professionals in Adria region. Intended for C-level leaders, senior managers and prolific professionals across various industries to share experiences and trace the future of intelligent automation and artificial intelligence.

Join us for 2 amazing days:

  • Get in front of 350 top-notch professionals and leaders in Adria region
  • Witness the latest in automation and AI by curated tech solution providers
  • Action-packed agenda starting from 9am to 5pm, Thursday and Friday
  • Connect with peers, thought leaders, business owners and start-ups
  • Meet and greet with over 20 inspirational speakers
  • Get hands-on experience and live demo
  • Enjoy Croatian hospitality over two relaxing days
  • Get to know Split and stay at unreal Le Meridien Lav, overlooking Adriatic

Supported by most prominent regional leaders like SAP, Microsoft, Revolut, Kaizen Institute, Orbico, Unicredit among the rest, with partners like OTP Banka, Solvoyo, M&I Systems Group, DEX, Mplus, Combis, Telma.ai to name but a few, Automation Summit lives up to the expectation of creating a true visionary business platform in Adria.

Automation Summit serves as a stage for exchanging ideas, networking and not-working, and gaining vital insights into the cutting-edge technologies that will shape the future of all industries.

Our vision is to inspire, connect, and catalyze change by exploring the forefront of automation, from RPA and AI, to process automation and digital transformation.

Our promise is to foster an environment where knowledge flows freely, collaboration thrives, and attendees leave equipped with insights that transcend the boundaries of today’s technological landscape.

Committed to redefining possibilities through RPA and AI technologies, Robotiq.ai are at the forefront of tomorrow’s solutions. Always pushing the boundaries of automation, Robotiq.ai embodies the spirit of Automation Summit, making them not just hosts but ambassadors of innovation.

General information:

  • VAT is included in ticket price
  • a ticket holder is entitled to conference main programme and all other activities attendance over two days across all venues
  • a ticket holder is eligible for a special hotel rate at Le Meridien Lav hotel - follow this link to book your stay: https://www.automation-summit.com/stay/
  • a ticket holder is entitled to all coffee breaks and lunch on both days of the conference
  • a ticket holder receives entry to official conference party
  • a ticket holder receives a walking tour around Split with a dedicated tour guide

Podijeli događaj:

Što je Naknada za izdavanje ulaznice?

Naknada za izdavanje ulaznice pokriva jedan dio troška koji Entrio ima kako bi, kao posrednik u prodaji ulaznica, na brz i siguran način obradio transakciju, izdao ulaznicu i omogućio ti uživanje na događaju.

Naknadu Entrio naplaćuje po svakoj kupljenoj ulaznici, za sve načine plaćanja na internetu i na prodajnim mjestima, a ona među ostalim pokriva trošak Entrio korisničke podrške, održavanja serverskog sustava, administrativnih poslova i ostalih troškova vezanih uz izdavanje ulaznice.

Visina naknade ponekad može ovisiti i o Entriovom komercijalnom dogovoru s Organizatorom događaja.

Naknada za izdavanje ulaznice je nepovratna naknada.

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