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O događaju
Prijava odnosno registracija za ALL DIGITAL Summit 2023, 25.09.2023. - 27.09.2023. u Algebra Spark Space, Zagreb
Before registering to the event, we kindly request you to review the conference programme and participant info package carefully. This will provide you with essential information about each session, enabling you to make informed choices according to your interests and preferences.
To access the detailed programme, please visit the following link:
ALL DIGITAL Summit Programme 2023
To acces the participant Info Package, please vitis the following link:
Join us for the ALL DIGITAL Summit – Skills for Digital Tomorrow, the premier event for learning and networking in the digital world. Taking place from 25th to 27th September 2023 in the beautiful city of Zagreb, this three-day event will bring together experts from around Europe to share their knowledge and insights on the latest developments in digital education and training.
With a packed schedule of lectures, workshops, presentations of projects and panel discussions, you’ll have the opportunity to learn about the best practices and guidelines for the development of digital competencies. You’ll also have the chance to network with other like-minded individuals and explore the latest trends and technologies in the digital world.
Što je Naknada za izdavanje ulaznice?
Naknada za izdavanje ulaznice pokriva jedan dio troška koji Entrio ima kako bi, kao posrednik u prodaji ulaznica, na brz i siguran način obradio transakciju, izdao ulaznicu i omogućio ti uživanje na događaju.
Naknadu Entrio naplaćuje po svakoj kupljenoj ulaznici, za sve načine plaćanja na internetu i na prodajnim mjestima, a ona među ostalim pokriva trošak Entrio korisničke podrške, održavanja serverskog sustava, administrativnih poslova i ostalih troškova vezanih uz izdavanje ulaznice.
Visina naknade ponekad može ovisiti i o Entriovom komercijalnom dogovoru s Organizatorom događaja.
Naknada za izdavanje ulaznice je nepovratna naknada.
Neispravan promo kod
Molimo probaj ponovno za 15 minuta ukoliko si siguran/a da je promo kod valjan - moguće da ga je sustav privremeno rezervirao u tvom prethodnom pokušaju