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3rd Lean Startup Meetup with Tristan Kromer

3rd Lean Startup Meetup with Tristan Kromer

location-iconHub Zagreb, Zagreb

O događaju

Prijava odnosno registracija za 3rd Lean Startup Meetup with Tristan Kromer, 21.08.2013. u Hub Zagreb, Zagreb

Lean startup Croatia (part of the Lean Startup Circle) and HUB Zagreb are organizing 3rd Lean Startup Meetup Zagreb. Lean Startup is a movement started by Eric Ries with the aim of transforming how new products are built and launched. The goal of Lean Startup Meetup is to gather at one place Lean Startup practitioners and enthusiasts from Croatia and neighboring countries and involve them in communication and discussion about Lean Startups.

3rd Lean Startup Meetup is hosting Tristan Kromer

Tristan Kromer is a well known Lean Startup Coach, Advisor, Speaker, Author and Mentor. 
He has worked as a coach for startups and entrepreneurs helping them to put lean startup principle into action. He has worked with companies as early stage as $0 revenue to larger enterprises with $5.6B in revenue. Some of the organizations he’s worked with include GITpro, the LUXr.co Residency, Lean Startup Machine, StartupWeekend, TechBA "Build or Die" Bootcamp, Lean Startup Circle, Central Oregon Pub Talks, Seedcamp San Francisco , Startup Monthly, Silicon Valley Bleeding Edge Ruby Entrepreneur, Bootstrapper's Breakfast, Lean Coffee Meetup, and the Lean Deck Clinic.

Tristan ran LUXr's accelerator training program. This involved working with accelerators and enterprises in a train the trainer program and helping them design their curriculum. Accelerators learned how to implement and train startups in lean startup methodology using LUXr's core curriculum as a basis.
He has had the opportunity to do this with accelerators such as:
- Startup Wise Guys in Estonia
- Happy Farm in Ukraine
- NEST'up in Belgium
- N-motion in Lincoln, NE
- TechBA Seattle, WA
- Lean Startup Circle organizers
- and a $5.2B USD revenue enterprise organization
At the moment he works at Lean Startup Circle where he helps lean startup organizers to find their sustainable business model.

Tristan will share with us his experience in implementing Lean Startup Principles into startups but also well established companies in different industries.

For more information about Tristan you can check his linkendIn in profile: https://www.linkedin.com/profile/view?id=29677983&locale=en_US&trk=tyah
And his official webpage: http://grasshopperherder.com

If you are Interested in some videos from Tristan Kromer check them here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ADgc0jAWTA4

Who should join the meetup:

  • Startup founders with their own startups.
  • People interested in starting their own business.
  • Managers and creative workers seeking for some new knowledge and real experience from the heart of startup scene in San Francisco in the field of new product development.

18:00 - 18:15 - Introduction to Lean Startup Circle
18:15 - 18:45 - Tristan Kromer - Lean Startup Lessons Learned
18:45 - 19:30 - Questions and answers (Fishbowl group interview)

Every participant will have a chance to ask questions to Tristan Kromer.

Tristan is visiting Zagreb for the first time, so this is great opportunity for all of you interested in Lean Startup especially:
* If you are working on your startup using Lean Startup methodology, or
** You work in a company and would like to learn how your company can benefit from Lean Startup. Anyway you have to be here and hear first-hand experience directly from San Francisco.

Lean Startup Croatia FB page: http://www.facebook.com/leanstartupcroatia
LinkedIn group: https://www.linkedin.com/groups?gid=4922335&mostPopular=&trk=tyah


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