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ZLO I NAOPAKO - čudovišni Halloween tulum

ZLO I NAOPAKO - čudovišni Halloween tulum

location-iconLauba, Zagreb

Tickets / services / products



Ulaznica za ZLO I NAOPAKO

1.00 EUR

20+ dobna granica. Rezerviraj stol: [email protected]

15.00 EUR

20+ dobna granica. Rezerviraj stol: [email protected]


0.00 EUR

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0.00 EUR


0.00 EUR

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More about the event

Buy tickets for ZLO I NAOPAKO - čudovišni Halloween tulum, 31.10.2024. - 01.11.2024. in Lauba, Zagreb

Sutra je subota predstavlja:
Čudovišni Halloween tulum
Lauba – Hram za (ne) ljude i umjetnost
četvrtak 31.10.2024. *petak je neradni dan, izlike ostavi na ulazu

Zagreb će se suočiti s nečim zlokobnim i naopakim! Lauba postaje čudovišna zona iz koje nema bijega. Ove godine unosimo nemir tamo gdje vlada mir. Na najstrašniju noć u godini, Zlo i Naopako zauzima Laubu i pretvaraju je u naopaki hram. Nakon ritualnog obreda večernja zabava počinje točno u 22.00 sata uz mračne note naših DJ-a.

Pozivamo sve hrabre da se pridruže ovom čudovišnom tulumu, gdje zlokobna stvorenja vladaju plesnim podijima, a noć postaje sve mračnija. Između paklenih plesnih podija i VIP skloništa za one koji traže sigurnost, čeka vas noć punih iznenađenja – ugodnih i malo manje ugodnih.

Ulaz je otvoren za sve koji se ne boje suočiti sa Zlom i Naopakim. Spasi se dok možeš, jer upad na Halloween tulum ZLO I NAOPAKO za najbrže je 15€, a svaki kontingent ulaznica je količinski ograničen.

powered by: Finlandia
20+ dobna granica
Rezerviraj stol: [email protected]

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What is the Booking fee?

The Boooking fee covers one part of the costs that Entrio, as a ticketing agency, incurs to process the transaction, issue the ticket and allow you to enjoy the event.

Entrio charges Booking fee for every ticket purchased, for all payment methods on the Internet and at points of sale, which covers, among other things, the cost of Entrio customer support, server system maintenance, administration and other costs associated with issuing the ticket .

Booking fee amount can sometimes depend on Entrio's commercial arrangements with the event Organizer.

Booking fee is non-refundable.

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