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Vatra Duha Svetoga / Fire of the Holy Spirit

Vatra Duha Svetoga / Fire of the Holy Spirit

location-iconHotel Antunović, Zagreb

Vatra Duha Svetoga / Fire of the Holy Spirit

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Buy tickets for Vatra Duha Svetoga / Fire of the Holy Spirit, 03.05.2025. - 04.05.2025. in Hotel Antunović, Zagreb

“Fire of The Holy Spirit”
Manifestation of Prophecy, Deliverance and Healing with Sons of Lovy Elias.

“Vatra Duha Svetoga”
Manifestacija proroštva, oslobođenja i iscjeljenja sa sinovima Lovy Eliasa.

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” - Matthew 11:28-30
Dođite k meni svi koji ste izmoreni i opterećeni, i ja ću vas odmoriti. Uzmite moj jaram na sebe i učite od mene jer sam krotka i ponizna srca, i naći ćete odmor dušama svojim; jer jaram je moj ugodan i breme je moje lako." - Matej 11,28-30

Službenici/ Servants:
Prophet/prorok Dre Lamonte, USA
Bondservant of Christ/Sluga Kristov Jeremiah Kingdom, USA
Prophet/prorok ST Blessings, JAR
Brother/brat Luka Rocco, HR

19.-20. October/Listopad 2024. 10:00h - 15:00h
Hotel Antunović, Zagrebačka Avenija 100a, Zagreb, Croatia, EU

A single ticket is valid for one person for two days.
/ Jedna ulaznica vrijedi za jednu osobu za dva dana.
Children up to 10 years of age do not pay for the tickets.
/ Djeca do 10 godina ne plaćaju kartu.

The parking is free arround the Hotel, and if you wish you can park in the Hotel garage for1€/h. For accomodation you can contact the Hotel.
There will be a single short pause in between speakers on each day of the manifestation.
The coffee machine and water will be provided by the Hotel in the hall for 2€ per cup and 2,5€ per bottle. Please bring your own waterbottles if possible to stay hidrated.
Parking je besplatan u krugu hotela, a po želji možete parkirati u garaži hotela za 1€/h. Za smještaj se možete obratiti u hotel.
Svaki dan manifestacije bit će jedna kratka stanka između govornika.
Aparat za kavu i vodu osigurat će hotel u holu za 2€ po šalici i 2,5€ po boci. Molimo vas ponesite vlastite boce s vodom ako je moguće kako biste ostali hidrirani.

Kupnjom ulaznice dajete nam svoju izričitu privolu da vas se tijekom događanja može snimati i tako snimljeni materijal koristiti odnosno da se može izvršiti obrada snimljenih podataka i objavljivati na online medijima.
/ By purchasing a ticket, you give us your explicit consent that you may be recorded during the event and that the recorded material may be used, that is, that the recorded data may be processed and be published on online media.

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