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StartupMixer @ImpactHub Zagreb

StartupMixer @ImpactHub Zagreb

location-iconImpact HUB Zagreb, Vlaška 70E Zagreb, Zagreb

More about the event

Register for StartupMixer @ImpactHub Zagreb, 25.09.2014. in Impact HUB Zagreb, Vlaška 70E Zagreb, Zagreb

Calling start-ups, entrepreneurs and all other individuals interested in the startup world
Startup Mixer

Are you wondering who is starting a company out there? Are you a freelancer?
Or maybe looking for a start-up project to join? Have one-on-one interesting encounters, with a simple but efficient method. Join us at the first entrepreneur’s “matchmaking” event in a relaxed environment.

Thursday, September 25th, 17:30 - 19:30
at Impact Zagreb

Who should attend: Entrepreneurs, people interested in startups, startups seeking employees, creative professionals, designers, engineers, economists, freelancers. Those who don’t yet have an idea but want to learn more about start-ups are also welcome. Who knows? The sessions may spark a longer-term relationship!

Mixer: After the sessions, relax and enjoy the companion
of your entrepreneurial colleagues with some drinks and snacks.


Don't forget to bring enough business cards!
Pozivamo startupe, poduzetnike i sve ostale zainteresirane za startup svijet
Startup Mixer

Pitaš se tko otvara firmu? Baviš se freelancingom?
Ili možda tražiš startup projekt kojem bi se pridružio? Upoznaj ljude jedan-na-jedan, pomoću jednostavne ali učinkovite metode. Pridruži nam se na prvom poduzetničkom “matchmaking” događaju u ugodnom okruženju.

25. Rujan, 17:30-19:30 sati
u Impact Hubu Zagreb

Tko bi trebao prisustvovati: Poduzetnici, osobe zainteresirane za startupe, startupi koji traže suradnike, kreativni profesionalci, dizajneri, inženjeri, ekonomisti, freelanceri. Oni koji možda još nemaju vlastitu ideju ali bi htjeli naučiti više o startupima su isto tako dobrodošli. Tko zna? Možda ovaj događaj bude povod za dugoročnu suradnju!
Mixer: Nakon krugova “miksanja”, opusti se i uživaj u drustvu tvojih poduzetničkih kolega uz piće i grickalice.


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