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Puccini Gala Concert: SNG Opera and Ballet Ljubljana

Puccini Gala Concert: SNG Opera and Ballet Ljubljana

location-iconMalo rimsko kazalište, Pula

Puccini Gala Concert: SNG Opera and Ballet Ljubljana

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Buy tickets for Puccini Gala Concert: SNG Opera and Ballet Ljubljana, 04.07.2024. in Malo rimsko kazalište, Pula

Puccini Gala Koncert: SNG Opera in Balet Ljubljana

Povodom 100. obljetnice smrti velikog skladatelja Giacoma Puccinija Pulsko kulturno ljeto u četvrtak, 4. srpnja na pozornici Malog rimskog kazališta predstavlja prvi od dva Puccini spektakla!

Gala koncert opernih arija iz najpoznatijih Puccinijevih opera - Manon Lescaut, La Bohème, Madama Butterfly, Gianni Schicchi, La Rondine i Tosca - zauzet će svoje mjesto u kalendarima ljubitelja opere.

Jedan od najvećih opernih skladatelja svih vremena, ostavio je neizbrisiv trag u svijetu glazbe svojim bogatim, emotivnim arijama. Njegove opere obuhvaćaju širok spektar ljudskih emocija, od strastvene ljubavi do bolne tragedije, dok likovi emotivno bogatih i realističnih karaktera već više od stotinu godina privlače publiku.

Solisti, zbor i orkestar Slovenskog narodnog gledališča Opera in balet iz Ljubljane oživjet će Puccinijeve protagoniste na pozornici Malog rimskog kazališta. Publika će imati priliku po prvi puta u Puli doživjeti vrhunsku izvedbu ovog sjajnog ansambla, ponosa slovenske kulturne scene. Orkestrom i zborom ravnat će Ayrton Desimpelaere, belgijski umjetnik mlađe generacije koji je za svoj rad dobio niz priznanja, uključujući Medalju za zasluge belgijske vlade.

Pod svjetlucavim noćnim nebom u intimi scene Malog rimskog kazališta doživjet ćete ljubav i bol, radost i tugu Puccinijevih likova u nezaboravnoj izvedbi vrhunskog umjetničkog ansambla ljubljanske Opere.

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Puccini Gala Concert: SNG Opera & Balet Ljubljana

Marking 100 years from the passing of the great composer Giacomo Puccini, Pula Summer of Culture presents the first of two Puccini spectacles!

The gala concert of opera arias from Puccini's most famous operas - Manon Lescaut, La Bohème, Madama Butterfly, Gianni Schicchi, La Rondine and Tosca - will take its place in the calendars of opera lovers.

As one of the greatest opera composers of all time, he left an indelible mark on the world of music with his rich, emotional arias. His operas encompass a wide spectrum of human emotions, from passionate love to painful tragedy, and his characters are emotionally rich and realistic characters whose life stories have been attracting viewers for more than a hundred years.

The soloists, choir and orchestra of the Slovenian National Opera and Ballet Theater from Ljubljana, will bring Puccini's protagonists to life on the stage of the Little Roman Theater. The audience will have the opportunity to experience the top performance of this great ensemble, the pride of the Slovenian cultural scene. The orchestra and choir will be conducted by Ayrton Desimpelaere, a Belgian artist of the younger generation who has received a number of awards for his work, including the Medal of Merit of the Belgian government.

Under the glittering night sky in the intimacy of the stage of the Little Roman Theater, you will experience the love and pain, joy and sadness of Puccini's characters in an unforgettable performance by the top artistic ensemble of the Ljubljana Opera.

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