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Buy tickets for NOĆ CIRKUSA 2021/NIKOLINA KOMLJENOVIĆ: TANKA LINIJA, 13.11.2021. in Pogon Jedinstvo, Zagreb
TANKA LINIJA je angažirano eksperimentalni projekt koji se bavi zauzimanjem prostora tijelom. Prostor se u ovom slučaju definira kao univerzalan, prazan, u kojeg se upisuje značenje pred gledateljem te se uspostavlja činom izvođenja. Djeli se na UNUTARNJI PROSTOR subjekta, GRANICE IZMEĐU unutarnjeg i vanjskog prostora – opna tijela koja se omeđuje i održava pomoću tankih linija te VANJSKI PROSTORA koji se oblikuje dalje od granice tijela samom izvedbom. Tijelo je subjekt u prostoru. Ono je iskaz pod pritiskom fizičkog izraza kojeg realnost opstanka u zraku pomoću tankih linija rekvizita uvijek vraća u zajednički prostor izvedbe. Granica tijela i linija potpornja tokom cijele izvedbe konstruiraju, mijenjaju i dekonstruiraju prostore i sadržaje. Trag koji ostaje po završetku performansa prolaskom kroz prozirne niti flaksa opominje na odgovornost vlastitih akcijama.
Tanka linija se gradi oko inovativnog zračnog rekvizita koji se zove RIBIČKI NAJLON ili FLAKS. Radi se o vlastitom izumu pomoću kojeg se tijelo održava u zraku vlastitim na-porima. Sastoji se od mnogih tankih, plastičnih, prozirnih linija jednake duljine. Tanke linije se urezuju u tijelo te ga potiću na kretanje. U ovom procesu nema mjesta odmo-ra. Postoji samo surova realnost, bol i želje za promjenom.
Istraživački se odnosi spram umjetnika koji zajednički grade rad svako kroz svoje afinitete i karakter kako bi stvorili jedinstveno djelo. Tijelo, glas, zvuk, svijetlo, projekcija i kostim isprepliću sloj po sloj materiju performativnog čina. Uzajamnošću reakcija gdje se ne zna tko koga pokreće, se istovremeno gradi dramaturgija djela autorefleksijom umjetnika i tehnologije.
Ideja, koreografija: Nikolina Komljenović
Izvedba: Jadranka Žinić Mijatović i Nikolina Komljenović
Dramaturgija: Katarina Pejović
Dizajn zvuka: Miodrag Gladović
Dizajn svjetla: Bojan Gagić
Kostimografija: Tina Spahija
Tehnička potpora: Željko Bašković, Jasmin Dasović, Aleksandar Šon, Oliver Gemballa
Scenografija/ izum zračnog rekvizita: Nikolina Komljenović
Produkcija: ekscena
Partneri: Grad Zagreb, s.VILA, Cirkorama, DIZU Medika, Cirkus kolektiv Split , Zagrebački centar za nezavisnu kulturu i mlade- POGON
THE THIN LINE is an engaged experimental project that deals with the physical occupation of space. Space is defined as universal, empty, in which the meaning is inscribed in the front of the viewer and is established by the act of performance. It is divided into the INTERNAL SPACE of the subject, the BOUNDARIES BETWEEN the inner and outer space - the membrane of the body, the skin, which is bounded and maintained by thin lines in the air and the OUTER SPACE which is formed beyond the boundary of the body by the performance itself. The body is a subject in space. It is a statement under the pressure of a physical expression that the reality of survival in the air with the help of thin lines always returns to the common space of performance. The body boundary and support line construct, change and deconstruct spaces and contents throughout the performance ad are open for interpretation. The trail that remains at the end of the performance by going through the transparent nylon threads reminds us of the responsibility of our own actions. To make visible the processes of marking, constituting and occupying space in this case of the female body which is the central place of this performative premise is questioned by today’s forced migration in juxtaposition with confinement to isolation.
The Thin Line is being built around an innovative aerial prop called FISHING NYLON. It is a self-invention with which the body is kept in the air by its own efforts. It consists of many thin, plastic, transparent lines of equal length that are organised into 3 curtains that occupy a central position on the stage and the happening can be observed from all positions. Thin lines are incised into the body and encourage it to move. There is no place to rest in this process. There is only harsh reality, pain and desire for change.
The thin line is collaborative work. Artists in collaboration build the work each through their own affinities and character to create a unique work. Space, body, light, sound and the Thin Lines of the installation intertwine layer by layer the material of the performative act. The reciprocity of the reactions of the artists and the spectators, where it is not known who initiates whom into the action, they all simultaneously build the dramaturgy of the work through the self-reflection of the artist and technology.
Idea, choreography and direction: Nikolina Komljenović
Performed by: Jadranka Žinić Mijatović and Nikolina Komljenović
Dramaturgy: Katarina Pejović
Sound: Miodrag Gladović
Lighting design: Bojan Gagić
Costume: Tina Spahija
Set design & apparatus invention: Nikolina Komljenović
Riger / technical support: Željko Baškovic, Jasmin Dasović, Sean, Oliver Gemballa
Production: ekscena
Partners: City of Zagreb, Ministry of Culture and Media, s.VILA, Zagreb’s centre for independent culture and youth-POGON, Cirkorama, DIZU Medika, Circus collective Split