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Buy tickets for NOĆ CIRKUSA 2021/ PETRA NAJMAN: MOJA SMRT I JA, 12.11.2021. in Pogon Jedinstvo, Zagreb


Umrijeti- zaspati zauvijek. Umrijeti- nestati. Umrijeti- otići u zaborav. Umrijeti. I upoznati prijatelja s kojim si oduvijek bila, koji te najviše volio, a kojeg si se najviše bojala- tvoju Smrt.

Smrt- ljubav. Smrt- avantura. Smrt- jedan kraj i jedan početak.

Moja intriga je moja smrtnost, završni misterij čovjeka i napuštanje ovoga svijeta zauvijek.

Kako prigrliti neizbježnost smrti, vlastito smrtno biće? 

»Moja Smrt i ja« suočava gledatelja s mislima mlade umjetnice o odnosu života i smrti i prihvaćanjem istog kao sveprisutne pojave. Život cirkuskog umjetnika često je u rukama druge osobe - partnera, ili u vlastitim rukama ali u odnosu sa rekvizitom koji zahtjeva volju izvođača za rizikom. Zbog tog rizika smrt je sveprisutna u mislima umjetnika. Potaknuta osobnim iskustvom rubne situacije, Petra Najman odlučuje kreirati predstavu koja u fokus stavlja odnos izvođača, rekvizita i smrti, koja se pojavljuje kao svojevrsni partner pri svakoj cirkuskoj izvedbi. Autorica uspostavlja prisan i direktan odnos sa svojim partnerom na sceni – utjelovljenom smrću, u želji da publici približi jasnu emociju smrti kao nužnosti – sastavnog dijela života, poigravajući se pri tom s groteskom, elementima horora, drame, komedije I parodije. 

Želja za upoznavanjem smrti i njeno prihvaćanje, strah, strast i ljutnja samo su neke od emocija koje - kroz kombinaciju akro plesa, kontorzija, manipulacije lutke i tehnike na trapezu - grade jedinstveni izvedbeni narativ predstave.

Autorica i izvođačica: Petra Najman  

Mentorica za akrobatski pokret: Marina Cherry

Mentorica za lutkarske elemente: Marijana Matoković  

Manipulacija lutke, dizajn svjetla i umjetnički mentor: Nikola Mijatović

Glazba: Penny Rimbaud, Berio: Sequenza#3 for solo voice Cathy Berberian

Izrada lutke: Lutkarska kompanija Arketal

Distribucija: Jadranka Žinić Mijatović, [email protected]

Naslovna fotografija: Dragan Popović

Crtež i dizajn plakata: Marin Remić

Produkcija: CIRKORAMA 2021.

Kreaciju predstave »Moja Smrt i ja« kroz rezidencije su podržali: Cirkuska rezidencijalna mreža, ROOM 100, Cirkus Kolektiv, Cirkusfera, CirkoBalkana, Zagrebački centar za nezavisnu kulturu i mlade-POGON

Projekt je sufinanciran sredstvima Gradskog ureda za kulturu Grada Zagreba, Ministarstva kulture i medija RH, Zaklade Kultura nova




To die - to fall asleep forever.

To die- to disappear.

To die - to go into oblivion.

Die. And to meet the friend you have always been with, who loved you the most, and whom you feared the most - your Death.

Death - love. Death is an adventure. Death - one end and one beginning.


My intrigue is my mortality, the ultimate mystery of man and the fact of leaving this world forever.

 How to embrace the inevitability of death, one's own mortal being?

"My Death and I" confronts the viewer with the young artist's thoughts on the relationship between life and death and the acceptance of the same as ubiquitous phenomena. The life of a circus artist is often in the hands of another person - a partner, or in their own hands, but in relation to a prop that requires the will of the performer to take risks. Because of this risk, death is ubiquitous in the minds of artists. Encouraged by personal experience of the edgy situation, Petra Najman decides to create a performance that focuses on the relationship between the performer, props and death, which appears as a kind of partner in every circus performance. The author establishes a close and direct relationship with her partner on stage - embodied death, wanting to bring the audience a clear emotion of death as a necessity - an integral part of life, playing with the grotesque, elements of horror, drama, comedy and parody.

The desire to meet death and its acceptance, fear, passion and anger are just some of the emotions that - through a combination of acro dance, contortion, puppet manipulation and trapeze technique - build a unique performance narrative of the play.

Author and performer: Petra Najman

Acrobatic movement mentor: Marina Cherry

Mentor for puppetry elements: Marijana Matoković

Manipulation of the doll, lighting design and artistic mentor: Nikola Mijatović

Music: Penny Rimbaud, Berio: Sequence # 3 for solo voice Cathy Berberian

Puppet making: Puppet company Arketal

Distribution: Jadranka Žinić Mijatović, [email protected]

Production: CIRKORAMA 2021.

The creation of the play "My Death and I" through residencies was supported by: Circus Residential Network, ROOM 100, Circus Kolektiv, Cirkusfera, CirkoBalkana, Zagreb Center for Independent Culture and Youth-POGON

The project is co-financed by the City Office for Culture of the City of Zagreb, the Ministry of Culture and Media of the Republic of Croatia, the Kultura Nova Foundation



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