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location-iconAvant Garden, Zagreb


Refunds for tickets purchased through www.entrio.hr will be automatically made no later than one month after the scheduled start of the event. For tickets purchased at the Entrio point of sale, a refund request must be submitted via the website www.entrio.hr/refund, not later than one month after the scheduled start of the event.
Please note, refunds for tickets purchased at the point of sale can no longer be obtained at the point of sale!

More about the event

Buy tickets for NAJVEĆI TRASH. PARTY, 13.11.2021. - 14.11.2021. in Avant Garden, Zagreb


Nakon što smo apsolutno ZAPALILI Avant Garden na našem otvorenju, vrijeme je da nastavimo tradiciju u revijalnom tonu! Nadamo se da ćemo uskoro nastaviti tradiciju da u svakom opisu eventa možemo reći da je prošli TRASH. bio najveći jer Vas je svaki put sve više i više! Za one koji još ove sezone nisu bili na našem eventu, kratak info. Za početak krenimo s lokacijom.

naš TRASH. Ima svoj novi dom;


Avant Garden Event Square nalazi se na Zapadnom kolodvoru, čiji stil uređenja prostora je jednostavno SAVRŠEN za jedan TRASH. Party. Poznati event square u Zagrebu je savršeno mjesto za naš party, njegov moderno industrijski štih ćete dobro zapamtiti, vjerujte nam! Ako Vas zanima prostor detaljnjije preporučamo da pogledate njihovu fotogaleriju!
Naravno, uz legendarnu TRASH. Tematiku naš rezident DJ Marco Cole je ponovno sa nama!

Naravno, ovaj event je u potpunosti u skladu s COVID mjerama te je obavezno priložiti covid potvrdu ili negativan pcr/antigen test na samom ulasku na party.

Isto tako, omogučili smo Vam da na samom ulazu na party da obavite antigen test ako Vam je potrebno po cijeni od 50KN. Ukoliko imate bilo kakvih pitanja vezano za covid19 potvrde ili testove slobodno nam se obratite u inbox!

Ako imate kakvih nedoumica oko dolaska uvijek možete pogledati naše galerije na facebook stranici , u našim galerijama su svi nasmijani ili u žestokom trenutku pjevanja hitova poput oči boje kestena, 365 itd.

Ulaznice su dostupne preko entrio.hr sustava prodaje ulaznica.

EARLYBIRD - 40 KN (entrio)
REGULAR - 50 KN (entrio)


Info & rezervacije stolova na naš page TRASH. , instagram @najvecitrashparty ili 099 625 1088.

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What is the Booking fee?

The Boooking fee covers one part of the costs that Entrio, as a ticketing agency, incurs to process the transaction, issue the ticket and allow you to enjoy the event.

Entrio charges Booking fee for every ticket purchased, for all payment methods on the Internet and at points of sale, which covers, among other things, the cost of Entrio customer support, server system maintenance, administration and other costs associated with issuing the ticket .

Booking fee amount can sometimes depend on Entrio's commercial arrangements with the event Organizer.

Booking fee is non-refundable.

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