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Famiglia Bonifacio: Il Primo

Famiglia Bonifacio: Il Primo

location-iconCrni Mačak, Zagreb

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Buy tickets for Famiglia Bonifacio: Il Primo, 22.06.2024. in Crni Mačak, Zagreb


[LARP U MAČKU] Famiglia Bonifacio: Il Primo

Terrible Creations dolaze nam u goste sa svojom prvom mafijaškom igrom iz serijala Famiglia Bonifacio!

Što možete očekivati?

Pa, sasvim mirno i obično jutro u rezidenciji Don Angela Bonifacia, zbog nemilih će se događaja preobraziti u uvertiru za novi rat s famiglijom Morello.

Može li se famiglia Bonifacio održati na okupu i odgovoriti na izazove koji joj prijete, iako je upletena u mrežu laži, skrivenih namjera, političkih intriga i osobnih obračuna?

Tko će izvući živu glavu?

Igra traje do 300 minuta. Predlažemo kostimiranje u skladu s modom tog vremena (kasne '20-te godine prošlog stoljeća).

Igrat ćemo u Crnom mačku (Mesnička 12 u Zagrebu) u subotu, 22. lipnja, od 18 h.

Prijave su obvezne. Prijaviti se možete ovdje: https://forms.gle/Q3tq3fRczjJZZo9X8

Osim na Entriu, ulaznice su dostupne i na šanku Crnog mačka po cijeni od 18 eura.

[LARP AT THE CAT] Famiglia Bonifacio: Il Primo

Terrible Creations will bring us their first mafia game from the Famiglia Bonifacio series!

What to expect?

Well now. A completely calm and ordinary morning at the residence of Don Angelo Bonifacio, due to unfortunate events, will be transformed into a prelude to a new war with the Morello family.

Can the famiglia Bonifacio hold together and respond to the challenges that threaten it, even though it is entangled in a web of lies, hidden intentions, political intrigues and personal confrontations?
Who will make it out alive?

The game lasts up to 300 minutes. We suggest dressing in accordance with the fashion of the time (late 20s of the last century).

We will play at the Crni mačak caffe (Mesnička 12 in Zagreb) on Saturday, June 22, from 6 p.m.

The game lasts up to 300 minutes. Dress up in accordance with the 1920s fashion.

Registrations are mandatory. You can register here: https://forms.gle/Q3tq3fRczjJZZo9X8

Tickets are also available at the Crni mačak (18 euros). 

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Entrio charges Booking fee for every ticket purchased, for all payment methods on the Internet and at points of sale, which covers, among other things, the cost of Entrio customer support, server system maintenance, administration and other costs associated with issuing the ticket .

Booking fee amount can sometimes depend on Entrio's commercial arrangements with the event Organizer.

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