Refunds for tickets purchased through will be automatically made no later than one month after the scheduled start of the event. For tickets purchased at the Entrio point of sale, a refund request must be submitted via the website, not later than one month after the scheduled start of the event.
Please note, refunds for tickets purchased at the point of sale can no longer be obtained at the point of sale!
More about the event
Buy tickets for Drago Diklić - Sve moje godine - Culture Shock Festival 2021, 16.10.2021. in Velika dvorana Hrvatskog doma u Križevcima, Križevci
Drago Diklić jedan je od najvećih hrvatskih umjetnika zabavne glazbe. Glazbenik, pjevač, skladatelj. Autor popularnih pjesama: Još samo večeras, Opet si plakala, Gde si sad moj prijatel, Vse bum zapil i mnogih drugih održat će samostalni koncert. Uz melodije koje se danas ne slušaju često bit će to, zasigurno, ugodan i sadržajan koncert.