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Dobar House w/ Riva Starr: 20 years of Tom Bug

Dobar House w/ Riva Starr: 20 years of Tom Bug

location-iconPeti kupe, Zagreb

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Buy tickets for Dobar House w/ Riva Starr: 20 years of Tom Bug, 12.11.2022. - 13.11.2022. in Peti kupe, Zagreb

Dobar House w/ Riva Starr: 20 years of Tom Bug

12 I 11 I 2022 - Peti Kupe, Zagreb

[English description below]

Slavimo 20 godina karijere jednog od najpoznatijih i najnagrađivanijih hrvatskih house DJ-eva - Toma Buga!

➤ What? Dobar House
➤ Where? Peti Kupe
➤ When? 12 I 11 I 2022
➤ Who? ➤ RIVA STARR (Snatch!/X-Mix Productions/Hot Creations)

➤Tom Bug
➤Elena Mikac

Tom Bug, osnivač klupske večeri i izdavačke kuće Dobar House slavi 20 godina djelovanja na zagrebačkoj i hrvatskoj sceni.

Kao specijalni gost ove nama važne obljetnice, nakon dugih 10 godina, u Zagreb stiže RIVA STARR!

💥 Riva Starr je uz Phebe Edwards potpisnik jednog od najvećih house hitova 2021. – 'Love Divine' – pjesme koja je iste te godine bila jedna od himni Dobar House partyja kao i jedna od najzastupljenijih u setovima Tom Buga. Naravno osim 'Love Divine', tu su i brojne druge stvari koje su nam obilježile partyje poput njegovog projekta Star B (s Mark Broomom) – 'Fire', 'The Feeling' s Gavin Holliganom, i 'Scat Dub'.

💥 Riva je majstor remiksiranja, tako da nije ni čudno da je remiksirao neke od najvećih house hitova poput 'Groovejet' ili 'Hey Hey', Moralesov 'Needin' You' ili mega hit 'Superstylin' Groove Armade. Iza njega su i suradnje s Fatboy Slimom (Eat Sleep Rave Repeat), Dennis Cruzom, Camelphatom i Arthur Bakerom, a lista je poduža.

💥 Hrvatski partijaneri su ga možda najbolje mogli upoznati na Defected Croatia festivalu gdje je nastupao svake godine od 2016, a osim hrvatskog terena nastupao je sve od klubova poput Ministry Of Sounda, Egga i Printworksa u Londonu, do mega festivala poput Glastonburya, što dokazuje i njegovu glazbenu širinu i spretnost prilagođavanja situaciji.

💥 Izdao je glazbu za Defected, Cajual, Hot Creations, Club Sweat, Pets Recordings, Dirtybird, i mnoge druge, a sam je osnivač i vlasnik Snatch! Records i Brock Wild.

💥 Riva Starr je 2019. putem svoje etikete Snatch! Records izdao i Tom Bugov EP 'Changed My Life' kojeg su podržali Franky Rizardo, Low Steppa, Chus & Ceballos, Crhis Lake, Format B i mnogi drugi. Dvije godine nakon, Tom izdaje još jedan Snatch! EP ovog puta sa svojim čestim suradnikom – Groovelineom s kojim dobivaju podršku Claptonea, Nasser Bakera, Jax Jonesa i drugih.

💥 U dvadeset godina svoje karijere, Tom Bug je nastupao diljem Hrvatske, sudjelovao u organizaciji i promociji House Fusion klupske večeri prvog desetljeća ovog milenija, predstavljao Hrvatsku na Burn Residency natjecanju, osvojio Ambasador nagrade za najbolji house singl 2020 i titulu najboljeg DJ-a 2017. godine, te najbitnije od svega, osnovao sad svima dobro poznati brend Dobar House.

💥 Kao label, Dobar House je okupio i okuplja mlade producente iz cijelog svijeta, a pretežno iz Hrvatske i regije, kao i legendarna ili relevantna internacionalna imena.

💥 Kao klupska večer, Dobar House je okupio najveće ljubitelje house glazbe, ali i upoznao nove generacije clubbera s house glazbom te im pružio sigurno mjesto za uživanje uz najbolju moguću glazbu i brdo nasmijanih ljudi koji su postali jedna velika obitelj.

💥 U prodaji su dostupne Group i Regular ulaznice u ograničenim količinama, pa zgrabi svoju što prije!


The founder of Dobar House, a club night and music label is celebrating 20 years of existence in Zagreb and Croatia.

RIVA STARR is making his long-awaited return to Zagreb for this significant anniversary, as a special guest!

💥 Along with Phebe Edwards, Riva Starr is the co-author of one of the biggest house hits of 2021 – 'Love Divine' – a song that was one of the anthems of Dobar House parties that same year, as well as one of the most represented in Tom Bug's sets.

💥 Of course, besides 'Love Divine', there are many other tracks that marked our parties like Riva's project Star B (with Mark Broom) - 'Fire', 'The Feeling' with Gavin Holligan, and 'Scat Dub'.

💥 Riva is a master of remixing, so it's not surprising that he remixed some of the biggest house hits like 'Groovejet' or 'Hey Hey', Morales' 'Needin' You' or Groove Armada's mega-hit 'Superstylin'. He also has collaborated with Fatboy Slim (Eat Sleep Rave Repeat), Dennis Cruz, Camelphat, and Arthur Baker, just to name a few.

💥 Croatian partygoers perhaps got to know Riva best at the Defected Croatia festival, where he has performed every year since 2016, and apart from the Croatian scene, he has performed at clubs like Ministry Of Sound, Egg, and Printworks in London, to mega festivals like Glastonbury, demonstrating his versatility and musical range.

💥 He has released music for Defected, Cajual, Hot Creations, Club Sweat, Pets Recordings, Dirtybird, and many others, and is the founder and owner of Snatch! Records and Brock Wild.

💥 In 2019, Riva Starr, via hir label Snatch! Records released Tom Bug's EP 'Changed My Life' supported by Franky Rizardo, Low Steppa, Chus & Ceballos, Chris Lake, Format B, and many others. Two years later, Tom releases another Snatch! EP this time with their frequent collaborator – Grooveline, with whom they get support from Claptone, Nasser Baker, Jax Jones, and others.

💥 Throughout his twenty-year career, Tom Bug has performed all over Croatia, helped organize and promote the House Fusion club night during the first decade of this millennium, represented Croatia at the Burn Residency competition, won the Ambassador award for the best house single in 2020, and been named the best DJ in 2017. Most importantly, he established the now well-known brand Dobar House, which is synonymous with top house music parties and has grown to be one of the most significant in the region and the leading house music label in Croatia.

💥 As a music label, Dobar House has attracted and continues to attract young producers from across the globe, mostly from Croatia and the surrounding area, as well as renowned or important worldwide figures.

💥 As a club night, Dobar House not only brought together the greatest fans of house music but also introduced house music to younger generations of clubgoers and gave them a secure space to enjoy the best music and a sea of happy people who formed one huge family.

💥 ALL PRESALE TICKETS ARE SOLD OUT! Thank you. To secure your spot on time, we released Door Tickets online! But hurry, they are limited.

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