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Dobar House Berlin Edition

Dobar House Berlin Edition

location-iconPeti kupe, Zagreb

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Buy tickets for Dobar House Berlin Edition, 18.02.2023. - 19.02.2023. in Peti kupe, Zagreb

All pre-sale tickets are now sold out!

We have released the final 100 Door Tickets, so if you want to secure your spot for tonight, you can get them now via Entrio.

Thank you all for your continued trust in us, and see you tonight!


Dobar House Berlin Edition
18 I 02 I 2023

[English description below]

Nakon gotovo dva mjeseca, Dobar House vraća se u Peti Kupe s dva gosta iz Berlina!
➤ What? Dobar House
➤ Where? Peti Kupe
➤ When? 18 I 02 I 2023

Blind Tickets - SOLD OUT!
Early Bird Tickets - SOLD OUT!

Regular Tickets - SELLING FAST!



💥 Zahvaljujući vama, 2022. nam je donijela seriju velikih i uspješnih evenata i označila je novu eru za Dobar House. S još većim entuzijazmom, u 2023. vam spremamo niz odličnih druženja i plesanja do jutra.
Prvi na redu je već 18. veljače, uz dva posebna gosta iz Berlina.

U Zagreb po prvi put dolaze The Checkup i Luca Olivotto, dva predana predstavnika modernog house zvuka s berlinskim potpisom.

💥 The Checkup je postao sinonim energičnog housea bilo starog ili novog, a svojim setovima priča pozitivnu priču po čemu je postao prepoznatljiv globalno. Raphael je i vinil entuzijast, uvijek u potrazi za raritetnim 90s houseom u kojem god kutku svijeta se našao. A 2022 ga je vidjela u Londonu, Parizu, Amsterdamu, Madridu, turneji u Južnoj Americi, a na domaćem terenu je stalna pojava u Sisyphos, About Blank , Watergate te Wilde Renate, Paradise Garage Hommage eventima na kojima je rezident.

Svoju glazbu izdao je na Nervous Records, META, Large Music, Toy Tonics, Madhouse Kerri Chandlera, vlastitom Heat Up Music, a uskoro nas očekuje i njegov remix za Dobar House.

Radi se o remiksu trake Luce Olivotta koji je već izdao „Someone Out There“ EP za Dobar House, a ujedno je i naš sljedeći gost.

💥 Luca Olivotto, također DJ i producent iz Berlina, vlasnik je Small Great Things i Endless Music labelova a vodi uspješnu seriju događanja u Berlinu pod imenom Small Great Garden i Small Great House. Njegov jedinstveni smisao za melodiju, harmoniju i tehnike komponiranja glazbe osjeti se u svakoj njegovoj pjesmi, a iza njega ih je mnogo, i to na labelovima poput; Berlin House Music, Honey Butter Records, Misplaced Recordings, Miura, Dobro, Sengiley Wax, Inhale / Exhale i The Basement Discos

Jedva čekamo plesat s vama i u 2023.!


💥 Thanks to you, 2022 brought us a series of great and successful events and marked a new era for Dobar House. With even greater enthusiasm, we are preparing a series of great events and dances until the morning.
The first one is scheduled for February 18, featuring two special guests from Berlin.

The Checkup and Luca Olivotto are coming to Zagreb for the first time, both dedicated representatives of modern house sound with a Berlin signature.

💥 The Checkup's sets, which are synonymous with energetic house whether it be new or old, tell a tale that makes him known throughout the world. Raphael is also a vinyl enthusiast, always on the lookout for rare 90s house in whatever corner of the world he finds himself. And 2022 saw him in London, Paris, Amsterdam, Madrid, a tour in South America, and on home soil, he is a regular at Sisyphos, About Blank, Watergate, and Wilde Renate, where he is a resident at Paradise Garage Hommage events.

He released his music on Nervous Records, META, Large Music, Toy Tonics, Kerri Chandler's Madhouse, and his own Heat Up Music, and his remix for Dobar House is coming soon.

It's a remix of Luca Olivotto's track, who has already released the "Someone Out There" EP for Dobar House and is also our next guest.

💥 Luca Olivotto, also a DJ and producer from Berlin, owns Small Great Things and Endless Music labels and runs a successful series of events in Berlin under the name Small Great Garden and Small Great House. His unique sense of melody, harmony, and music composition techniques can be felt in every one of his songs, and he has many in his catalog on labels like; Berlin House Music, Honey Butter Records, Misplaced Recordings, Miura, Dobro, Sengiley Wax, Inhale / Exhale and The Basement Discos.

We can't wait to dance with you in 2023!

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