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Buy tickets for Chelsea Wolfe u Rijeci!, 01.08.2018. in Trg Riječke rezolucije, Rijeka
Kuhinja & Distune promotion vam predstavljaju:[SCROLL DOWN FOR ENGLISH]
Chelsea Wolfe u Rijeci!
predgrupa: Brutus
srijeda, 1.8.2018. @ Trg riječke rezolucije
Ulaznice / tickets
early bird od 3.4. do 6.5. 105,00kn / 14,15€
pretprodaja / presale od 7.5. do 31.7. 125,00kn / 16,86€
na dan koncerta / on day 155,00kn / 20,91€
Ciklus Furioza na Trg riječke rezolucije dovodi svestranu američku glazbenicu Chelsea Wolfe! Bit će to njen prvi samostalni nastup u ovom dijelu Europe.
Chelsea Wolfe u sklopu europske turneje promovirat će svoj šesti album „Hiss Spun“ koji joj je učvrstio status jedne od najupečatljivijih underground glazbenica današnjice. Njen će specifičan glazbeni izričaj u Rijeci upotpuniti i prostor Trga riječke rezolucije.
Za razliku od prijašnjih albuma koji su bili vođeni intimom ogoljene folk glazbe („The Grime and the Glow“, „Unknown Rooms“) ili pulsirajućom elektronikom („Pain Is Beauty“, „Abyss“), najnoviji album „Hiss Spun“ izuzetan je zbog kombinacije glasnog basa, tutnjajućih bubnjeva i izdašne distorzije. Sniman u Salemu u Massachusettsu, dijelom je preuzeo ambijent hladne bijele zime Nove Engleske, iako je kostur materijala satkan iz preokreta u Chelseainom osobnom životu za koji sama autorica kaže da ga je obilježilo prihvaćanje vlastite ranjivosti, ljutnja, autodestruktivnost i mračna obiteljska prošlost.
"Htjela sam napisati neku vrstu eskapističke glazbe; osloboditi pjesme koje su tek bile u tijelu", kaže Wolfe.
To je kopanje po svojoj ali i po nutrini svijeta jedna od najkonzistentnijih tema njenog rada. "Stalno smo bombardirani lošim vijestima, ljude ubijaju bez razloga ili iz suludih razloga, pa imaš osjećaj da je svijet mjesecima u suzama. A onda se sjetiš da je tako od samih početka. To je nevjerojatno i moram pisati o tome", kaže glazbenica.
Glazba njenog najnovijeg albuma itekako je višeslojna: na snažnu podlogu basa slaže se premaz od nisko-frekvencijskih zvukova, a svemu je tome Chelseain dugogodišnji suradnik Ben Chisholm pridodao uznemirujuće zvukovne kolaže: tutnjavu gradilišta iz Praga, urlik kojota u okolici Chelseaine seoske kuće u Kaliforniji, struganje strojeva po podu skladišta prijateljeva radnog mjesta...
Snažni i emotivni tekstovi s iscjeljujućim efektom, neobični zvučni kolaži i ambijent Trsatske gradine i više su no valjana preporuka da 1. kolovoza u svojim kalendarima podvučete crvenim markerom.
Kako već samo ime implicira, riječ je o žestokom bendu, belgijskom triu koji stvara ekspanzivan, stratosferski punk. Brutus će nastupiti prije već najavljene američke glazbenice Chelsea Wolfe.
U travnju 2016. Brutus su preselili u kanadski Vancouver i snimili svoj debitantski album „Burst“, u suradnji s Jessejem Ganderom (White Lung, Japandroids...). Bio je to mudar potez. „Burst“ je rock album 21. stoljeća: izazovan i uzbudljiv, dapače kolosalan – očekujte buku veličine katedrale.
Postmodernističkom konstrukcijom, dinamikom black metala, hardcore energijom, prog i math-rock ukrasima te čistim pop melodijama koje se mogu otkriti na debitantskom albumu „Burst“, Brutus uspijeva pogoditi u rascjep između Slayera i Savagesa, The Smithsa i Slowdivea, Dillinger Escape Plana i Deusa - a sve sa samo tri člana koji stručno surađuju kako bi svoj zvuk napravili što monolitnijim i emotivnijim.
Glasne i snolike gitare shoegazea pojačane su do hardcore punk brzine dok bubnjevi galopiraju poput divljih konja po otvorenim pustopoljinama.
Bubnjarica i pjevačica Stefanie Mannaerts pritom se pokazala kao jedan od najzanimljivijih vokala koje se može čuti u novije vrijeme, sposobna da se u samo tren oka prebaci iz melodijskih pasaža u kažnjavanje svojih glasnica deranjem.
Koncert Chelsea Wolfe prvi je u nizu koncerata koje pod imenom – Ciklus Furioza – pokreće Kuhinja u suradnji s Distune promotion. Posjetitelje očekuje ljetna glazbena šetnja čije su postaje post-punk, neo-goth, indie rock i techno. Njihova je poveznica ta da je riječ o glazbi koju stvaraju žene - glazbenice koje pomiču granice, izazivaju žanrove te grade nove, uzbudljive glazbene svjetove. Ciklus Furioza za publiku iz regije također ponovo otkriva Rijeku i njene iznimne lokacije.
Programski pravac Kuhinja Rijeke 2020 – Europske prijestolnice kulture bavi se manjinama, identitetima i migracijama, a od 2020. djelovati će u prizemlju H zgrade ex kompleksa Rikard Benčić kao novi riječki društveno-kulturni centar.
Cycle Furioza brings Chelsea Wolfe, a versatile American musician to Trg riječke rezolucije This will be her first solo performance in this part of Europe.
Digging beneath the mess of the world to find the beauty underneath is perhaps the most consistent theme in Chelsea Wolfe’s expansive discography—a theme that ties together her ceaseless explorations in unorthodox textures, haunting melodies, and mining the grandeur embedded within ugliness and pain.
With her sixth official album Hiss Spun, Wolfe adopts Miller’s quest to become empowered by embracing the mess of the self, to control the tumult of the soul in hopes of reigning in the chaos of the world around us. “I wanted to write some sort of escapist music; songs that were just about being in your body, and getting free,” Wolfe says of the album before extrapolating on the broader scope of her new collection of songs. “You’re just bombarded with constant bad news, people getting fucked over and killed for shitty reasons or for no reason at all, and it seems like the world has been in tears for months, and then you remember it’s been fucked for a long time, it’s been fucked since the beginning. It’s overwhelming and I have to write about it.”
Hiss Spun was recorded by Kurt Ballou in Salem, Massachusetts at the tail end of winter 2017 against a backdrop of deathly quiet snow-blanketed streets and the hissing radiators of warm interiors. While past albums operated on the intimacy of stripped-down folk music (The Grime and the Glow, Unknown Rooms), or the throbbing pulse of supplemental electronics (Pain Is Beauty, Abyss), Wolfe’s latest offering wrings its exquisiteness out of a palette of groaning bass, pounding drums, and crunching distortion. It’s an album that inadvertently drew part of its aura from the cold white of the New England winter, though the flesh-and-bone of the material was culled from upheavals in Wolfe’s personal life, and coming to terms with years of vulnerability, anger, self-destruction, and dark family history.
Aside from adding low-end heft with gratuitous slabs of fuzz bass, longtime collaborator Ben Chisholm contributed harrowing swaths of sound collages from sources surrounding the artist and her band in recent years—the rumble of street construction at a tour stop in Prague, the howl of a coyote outside Wolfe’s rural house in California, the scrape of machinery on the floor of a warehouse at a down-and-out friend’s workplace. Music is rendered out of dissonance—bomb blasts from the Enola Gay, the shriek of primates, the fluttering pages of a Walt Whitman book are manipulated and seamlessly integrated into the feral and forlorn songs of Hiss Spun.
“The album is cyclical, like me and my moods,” Wolfe says of Hiss Spun. “Cycles, obsession, spinning, centrifugal force—all with gut feelings as the center of the self.” And it’s an album that Wolfe sees as a kind of exorcism. “I’m at odds with myself… I got tired of trying to disappear. The record became very personal in that way. I wanted to open up more, but also create my own reality.” Every Chelsea Wolfe album is cathartic, but never before has both the artist and her audience so desperately needed this kind of emotional purging. Sargent House is proud to release Hiss Spun to the world on September 22nd, 2017.
Chelsea Wolfe's concert is the first in a series of concerts under the name - Furioza Cycle - launched by the Kitchen in cooperation with Distune promotion.
Between Slayer and Savages
Brutus rage like a maelstrom. They are a meteor shower of sound. This trio from Leuven, Belgium create expansive, stratospheric punk not quite like any other band around.
With post-rock construction, black metal dynamics, hardcore energy, prog and math-rock flourishes and pure pop melodies all detectable on their debut album Burst, Brutus manage to straddle the significant divide between Slayer and Savages, The Smiths and Slowdive, Dillinger Escape Plan and Deus - and all with just three members expertly colluding to make a sound as monolithic as it is emotive.
The searing, soaring guitars of shoegaze are amped up to hardcore punk speed, drums gallop like wild horses over open larval planes and drumming singer Stefanie Mannaerts offers some of the most impassioned vocals heard in recent times, capable of shifting from deceptively melodic to out-right larynx-punishing in the blink of an eye.
In 2014 and 2015 they played mostly all over Belgium. Pukkelpop, Rock Herk, Dour Festival, Boomtown, AB Club, Botanique, Depot, Stuk, Trix, ... and more than 100 intense small shows.
In April 2016 Brutus decamped to Vancouver (Canada) to record their debut-album Burst with Jesse Gander (White Lung, Japandroids, ...). It was a wise move. Burst is a 21st century rock album: challenging and exhilarating. Colossal. A cathedral-sized noise. A unique listening experience. Brutus are here.
Ben Myers.
Program direction Kitchen is part of The European Capital of Culture 2020 which deals with minorities, identities and migrations. From 2020 Kitchen will be operating on the ground floor of the building which is known as former Rikard Benčić complex as the new socio-cultural center of Rijeka.