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Bachata de Fuego: MARIO BARO in Zagreb!

Bachata de Fuego: MARIO BARO in Zagreb!

location-iconHotel Academia Zagreb, Zagreb

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Buy tickets for Bachata de Fuego: MARIO BARO in Zagreb!, 26.10.2024. - 27.10.2024. in Hotel Academia Zagreb, Zagreb


Bachata de Fuego brings you the ultimate Bachata hotness >>>

🔥🔥 THE UNFORGETTABLE MARIO BARO bachata concert in Zagreb, Croatia, on Saturday, 26st of October!

🔥🫦 With great pleasure, we present you this brilliant, famous bachata-artist, one of our favorites, who we have been hunting for a long time and who is finally coming to Zagreb as part of his world tour!
His sensual, flowing, smooth & hot bachatas make you go into amazing sweet, sweet, sweet mood where you just want to dance, dance and dance; one song, another song, all the songs. His magical voice guides you from one move to another move, from one turn to another turn, from one wave - to all possible waves. Get ready to immerse yourself into this smooth & sensual mmmmm-bachata sweetness for all bachata connoisseurs. Come, dance & mmmm-joy...

🔥💯 Just as once upon a time we had fantastic salsa concerts once a month, we've decided that from this autumn we'll do the same with bachata: once a month we bring you genius, hot concerts of world bachata stars! And what else is left for us after the perfect concerts of Dani J (one of the 3 biggest bachata music stars in the world) and DJ Tronky (the world's biggest and most influential bachata DJ-star)?! In short, you no longer have to dream about distant concerts in Spain and the USA and only the occasional concert in Croatia, because from now on the hottest and best bachata performers are waiting for you, on a regular basis, in Zagreb! For this autumn, we've prepared three brilliant treats, three different performers so that every time it's different, interesting and hot...
After the first perfect concert of Chris Paradise in September at Peron 16 club, we'll hold this second concert in already proved hall of Hotel Academia (where DJ Tronky performed twice in both perfect, perfect parties); in a beautiful, large and extremely spacious place with a floor perfect for dancing! There is also a proven bar with a large selection of drinks at good prices, as well as a cloakroom (free and optional), all in the lobby perfect for resting and socializing with other amazing dancers...

The perfect DJ eL Fuego again takes care of the hot and brilliant dancing atmosphere before and after Mario Baro's performance, with the perfect selection of the most danceable bachatas; old and new, classical and new-sound, gentle and wild, romantic and energetic, hot and hotter! And, as always, there will be some great, good and yet unreleased stuff on the musical menu...
AND, this time we have one more surprise DJ, that will present his original bachata album in a short but sweet bachata set! The songs are brutal (we secretly tried a few of them at our previous parties, including a previous concert) and you will enjoy them from the beginning to the end of the set!

Do you also want some dance workshops? We are here! We integrated this concert into a small 2nd Zagreb Bachata Weekend. Find all the details on our website https://bachatadefuego.net and on our social networks (Bachata de Fuego & Salsa de Fuego), as well as here:

🔥🫦 Perfect place, unlimited bachatastic Fuego fun, the best of the best of bachata artists, brilliant music and atmosphere, the best dancers from Croatia and from all over Europe, and one of the best parties you'll ever dance in, again, GUARANTEED!

🔥🟥 Dress code: red & black!

🔥👉 26st of October - save the date!

Early bird: 👉 9€ (8€+1€) 👈 Don't wait, it will go up soon!
Regular price: 11€ (10€+1€)
On the day of concert (after 15:00): 15€

Hotel Academia, Ivana Tkalčića 88, Zagreb, Croatia.
Saturday, 26st of October 2024. From 21:00 until 03:00.

1. Melavia @bymels.photography
2. Ivan @lisjak.i
3. Mihaela @mgvideographycroatia

🔥🔥 P.S.
And what about the third concert, the Johnny Sky concert?! Tickets next week here on Entrio!

Get ready for the time of your bachalife!
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Bachata de Fuego predstavlja vrhunski bachata-spektakl >>>

🔥🔥 NEZABORAVNI BACHATA-KONCERT MARIJA BARA u Zagrebu, u subotu 26. listopada 2024.!

🔥🫦 Sa zadovoljstvom ti predstavljamo ovog briljantnog, slavnog pjevača, jednog od nama dražih, kojeg smo duuuugo lovili i koji nam konačno dolazi u Zagreb u sklopu svoje svjetske turneje! Njegove senzualne, tečne i vruće bachate tjeraju te da uđeš u nevjerojatno slatko, slatko, slatko raspoloženje u kojem samo želiš plesati, plesati i plesati; jednu pjesmu, drugu pjesmu, sve pjesme. Njegov te čarobni glas vodi od jednog poteza do drugog poteza, od jednog okreta do drugog okreta, od jednog vala - do svih mogućih valova. Pripremi se uroniti u ovu glatku i senzualnu mmmmm-bachata slatkoću za sve prave ljubitelje bachate. Dođi, pleši i mmmm-uživaj...

🔥💯 Kao što smo nekad davno imali fantastične koncerte salse jednom u mjesecu, tako smo odlučili da ćemo od ove jeseni isto napraviti i s bachatom: jednom mjesečno donosimo ti genijalne, vruće koncerte svjetskih-bachata zvijezda! A što nam drugo preostaje nakon već odrađenih savršenih koncertata Danija J-a (jedan od 3 najveće svjetske glazbene zvijezde bachate) i DJ-a Tronkyja (najveća i najutjecajnija svjetska DJ-zvijezda bachate)?! Ukratko, više ne moraš sanjati o dalekim koncertima u Španjolskoj i u SAD-u i o tek kojem povremenom koncertu u Hrvatskoj, jer te od sada u Zagrebu čekaju redoviti najvrući i najbolji izvođači bachate današnjice, čekaju te glazbene bachata-zvijezde! Za ovu jesen smo spremili tri genijalne poslastice, tri različita izvođača kako bi svaki puta bilo drugačije, zanimljivo i vruće…
Nakon isplesanog prvog savršenog koncerta Chrisa Paradisea u rujnu u Peronu 16, ovaj drugi koncert održat ćemo u provjerenom Hotelu Academiji (u kojem nam je čak dva puta gostovao DJ Tronky na oba savršena, savršena partyja); u prelijepom, velikom i iznimno prostranom mjestu sa podom savršenim za ples! Tu je i provjereni bar s velikim izborom pića po dobrim cijenama, kao i garderoba (besplatna i nije obavezna), sve u predvorju stvorenom za predah i druženje u dobrom društvu...

Za vruću, genijalnu i rasplesanu atmosferu prije i nakon nastupa Marija Bara, opet brine savršeni DJ eL Fuego uz savršeni izbor najplesnijih bachati; starih i novih, klasičnih i novozvučnih, nježnih i divljih, romantičnih i energičnih, vrućih i još vrućih! Kao i svaki put, bit će tu nekoliko premjernih, dobrih i još neobjavljenih stvari...
ALI, ovog puta u goste nam dolazi i jedan DJ iznenađenja koji će nam u kratkom, ali sllllatkom setu predstaviti svoj originalni album bachate! Pjesme su brutalne (nekoliko smo ih i tajno isprobali na našim prijašnjim partyjima, uključujići i prijašnji koncert) i uživat ćeš u njima od početka do kraja seta!

Želiš i neke plesne radionice? Tu smo! Ovaj koncert uklopili smo u mali 2. Zagreb Bachata Weekend. Sve detalje potraži na našoj stranici https://bachatadefuego.net i na našim društvenim mrežama (Bachata de Fuego & Salsa de Fuego), kao i ovdje:

🔥🫦 Savršeno mjesto, neograničena bachatastična Fuego-zabava, najbolji od najboljih bachata-umjetnika, briljantna glazba i atmosfera, najbolji plesači iz Hrvatske i iz cijele Europe, i (opet) jedan od najboljih partyja na kojem ćeš ikad plesati, GARANTIRANO!

🔥🟥 Dress code: CRVENO & crno!

🔥👉 26. listopada - zabilježi datum!

Early Bird: 👉 9€ (8€+1€) 👈 Ne čekaj, uskoro će poskupjeti!
Redovna cijena: 11€ (10€+1€)
Na dan koncerta poslije 15:00: 15€ (14€+1€)

Hotel Academia, Ivana Tkalčića 88, Zagreb, Hrvatska.
Subota, 26. listopada 2024. Od 21:00 do 03:00.

1. Melavia @bymels.photography
2. Ivan @lisjak.i
3. Mihaela @mgvideographycroatia

🔥🔥 P. S.
A što je s trećim koncertom, koncertom Johnnyja Skya?! Ulaznice potraži sljedeći tjedan na Entriju!

Get ready for the time of your bachalife!

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