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5. Festival neobičnih obitelji / 5th Peculiar Families Festival

5. Festival neobičnih obitelji / 5th Peculiar Families Festival

location-iconLjetno kino Bačvice, Split

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Buy tickets for 5. Festival neobičnih obitelji / 5th Peculiar Families Festival, 24.05.2024. - 26.05.2024. in Ljetno kino Bačvice, Split

Dobro došli na peto izdanje festivala suvremenog cirkusa "Festival neobičnih obitelji"!

5 predstava suvremenog cirkusa, 2 koncerta, 2 filmske projekcije i 2 radionice suvremenih cirkuskih vještina čini ovogodišnji festival. Samo otvaranje Festivala održat će se u Ljetnom kinu Bačvice gdje će lauretkinja circusnext programa Alice Rende izvesti svoju nagrađivanu predstavu "Fora" koja se izvodi u kutiji dimenzija 70 cm x 70 cm. Zatim će zagrebačka Cirkorama izvesti posljednji dio svoje trilogije "Horror House Project: Zodiac - Krug malih životinja", a večer ćemo zaokružiti glazbenim performansom japanskog dvojca "Usaginingen"!

Drugi dan smo u Domu mladih gdje će španjolski dvojac Le Petite Victoria Cen izvesti predstavu "Oprosti ako te predstavljam kao da te ne poznajem" koja je proglašena za najbolju suvremenu cirkusku predstavu u Španjolskoj u 2023. godini od strane Akademije za izvedbene umjetnosti. Nakon predstave, na Trokutu (novouređenoj terasi Doma mladih) instrumentalni LHD predstavit će svoj album "Off The Grid". Radi se o koncertu bivših članova The Bambi Molestersa za koji je pušteno samo u prodaju samo 100 ulaznica.

Ovogodišnje izdanje festivala posebno je po tome što po prvi put u Hrvatskoj suvremeni cirkus ulazi u program jedne nacionalne kazalište kuće! Zatvaranje festivala održat će se 26. svibnja u Hrvatskom narodnom kazalištu Split gdje će finski pionir nove magije Kalle Nio izvesti svoju predstavu "The Green"


U predfestivalskom programu, od 17. svibnja do 22. svibnja organiziramo dvije filmske projekcije i izvedbu dodatne predstave o čemu možete doznati ovdje: https://peculiarfamilies.org/.

Filmske projekcije su besplatne. Ulaznice za predstavu "The Green" prodaju se online ovdje i na blagajni HNK Split. Ulaznice za predstavu "Projekt 4,28 km/h" prodaju se online ovdje i na blagajni GKM-a. Ulaznice za ostale predstave pronaći ćete ovdje.

Nadamo se da družimo i ove godine!


Welcome to the 5th edition of the contemporary circus festival "Peculiar Families Festival"!

5 contemporary circus performances, 2 concerts, 2 film screenings and 2 workshops of contemporary circus skills make this year's festival's program. The opening of the Festival itself will take place in the Open-air cinema Bačvice, where the laureate of the circusnext program Alice Rende will perform her award-winning show "Fora", which is performed in a 70 cm x 70 cm box. Afterwards, Croatian Cirkorama will perform the last part of its "Horror House Project trilogy: Zodiac - The Circle of Small Animals", and we will round off the evening with an audio-visual performance by the Japanese duo "Usaginingen"!

On the second day, we are at the Youth Center, where the Spanish duo Le Petite Victoria Cen will perform the play "Sorry if I introduce you as if I don't know you", which was awarded as the best contemporary circus performance in Spain in 2023 by the Academy of Performing Arts. After the performance, the instrumental trio LHD will present their album "Off The Grid" on Trokut (the newly renovated terrace of the Youth Center). It is a concert by former members of The Bambi Molesters, for which only 100 tickets were released.

This year's edition of the festival is special as, for the first time in Croatia, a contemporary circus is included in the program of a national theatre! The closing of the festival will take place on May 26 at the Croatian National Theater in Split, where Finnish pioneer of magie nouvelle Kalle Nio will present his performance "The Green".

There is a pre-festival program running from the 17th to the 22nd of May. You can learn more about it here: https://peculiarfamilies.org/en/home/

Film screenings are free. Tickets for the perforance "The Green" are sold online here and at the box office of HNK Split. Tickets for the show "Project 4.28 km/h" are sold online here and at the GKM box office. Tickets for other shows can be found here.

See you at the Festival! 



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